Just another example of this nihilistic narcissistic sociopath’s extra classy and ultimately thin skin.
Wow. Real presidential there Donald. Do you know how adults would react to a technical difficulty such a mic popping? They might say “Can somebody fix this please?” and wait until the sound staff troubleshot the problem.
But not Der Fuhrer. Ohhh no. He has to have a hissy fit because everything isn’t perfect. Just like a spoiled little child who screams “I WANT! I WANT I WANT!” and throws a temper tantrum when they don’t get their way.
How ANYONE could imagine this man-child in charge of the world’s largest military and nuclear arsenal is completely beyond me.
Today’s head scratcher–how the hell can someone bankrupt a casino?
The well-fed morons laughing in the audience behind him are the kind of people who enjoy attending lynchings and public hangings.
This is the true tRump. He’s an ass pretending to be strong. Have you noticed how he’s now stopping in the middle of his speeches to tell security to throw someone out? He has no detailed ideas or policies, so he is relying on protesters for material. Just sad.
Making America Great again would start with this a-hole acquiring permanent laryngitis.
How’d you like to be the house audio vendor that night? It did sound like a crappy system, but that’s why candidates pay a front-team to go check the venue out before the boss arrives.
If it was me, knowing full well that my career in that market was over anyway, I’d have pulled the feed when Trump said “don’t pay him.” With a smile.
By buying it on credit, loading it up with debt and taking the money out of it for himself, so when he makes a profit, it’s still a loss.
That’s how you bankrupt a casino.
The most interesting venn diagram recently was the one showing jeb’s* advisers and how they overlapped father and brother’s administrations Something similar could be done with Trumpet’s speech patterns and overused platitudes, cliches and overheated hysterical spews might make for an interesting venn diagram, with “tremendous” up front and bigger than the other circles.
Thin skin in and of itself can be treated with OTC products and some prescription meds, but how do you treat the other symptoms short of putting him in a strait jacket in an airless room on an island surrounded by sharks?
It could have been any of those things, but, basic basics is to have redundant mics at the lectern.
Thorazine I hear would keep THE BIG MOUTH quiet.
I do like the idea (quite classy in fact) of marooning “The Donald” on an island surrounded by sharks. Big sharks. Hungry sharks.
To get him on said Island I think would require an intervention. Or perhaps Seal Team 6 on a night raid. Now as to the island to use…
OK, this should work nicely:
The Farallones here in San Francisco Bay would be ideal, about 30 miles from GG Bridge. Seals live on the island, sharks live on the seals.
As someone who does audio, this would be the point where i shut down the PA and just leave.
There are so many things that make mics not work and 95% of the the time it is the user.
I am rich, I am smart, everyone else is an idiot. End of speech.
What Trump said:
"And by the way I don’t like this mic, whoever the hell brought this mic system, don’t pay the son of a bitch who put it in,” Trump said. “No, this mic is terrible, stupid mic keeps popping. Do you hear that, George? Don’t pay him. Don’t pay him! You know I believe in paying but when somebody does a bad job, like this stupid mic, you shouldn’t pay the bastard. Terrible! Terrible!”
What the Trump rubes heard:
Blah Blah Blah Blah Obama foreign Blah Blah black man president Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Kenyan Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Let me tell you about the coloreds taking your jobs like the guy who put this mic in just like the very stupid Negro Obama Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah trump knows how to do shit and not pay black man for bad job Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Hah Hah Hah Hah BANG… OWWW SHIIITT! I JUST SHOT MYSELF IN THE NUTS!!!
OK, leftist cartoonists: we need a gigantic pasty-faced baby in a diaper with a combover banging a microphone like a rattle and having a tantrum. Get on it!
The man who filed or bankruptcy 4x thereby failing to pay his creditors who wrote the losses off on the backs of the taxpaying working class doesn’t want to pay the taxpaying workers he hired either. No surprise there.
I’m just surprised that Trump didn’t threaten to kill the man and his entire family. “You have to take out their families,” Trump said.
That’ll larn’ em’!
Very presidential reaction. I’d feel honored to have him as President, just imagine the good will his tantrums would instill worldwide.