Discussion for article #244682
Meanwhile, Trump’s public relations firm’s bills continue to go unpaid.
Who is this mysterious “George”?
Republican = Moron. Duh!
If you strip out the repeated catchphrases and buzzwords. The repeated catchphrases and buzzwords. A Trump “speech”. A Trump “speech” A Trump “speech” Would last about 10 minutes. Ten minutes. At most. At most, at most.
Classy as ever.
When der fuehrer says the sound is out of place
Big mic, big mic, right in der fueher’s face…
Not to hear der fuehrer is a great disgrace
So a big mic, big mic right in der fuehrer’s face!
Showing how controlled he would be under more serious circumstances?
As he often says of his own statements, it’s true.
Hey God! When is enough enough?
I can remember when members of a speaker’s audience would be embarrassed for such a meltdown rather than gleeful.
Ah, getting over on Trump … priceless.
Rise of the Machines… even THEY have an opinion about Donnie Dipstick
A typically measured comment from the Donald.
Here’s another thought experiment. If you strip out the word “mic” for “wall”, “built”, and a few other choice words from this crude and boorish ratfucker, you get another wonderful tirade to look forward to should he ever get even a hair’s breadth towards the Oval Office.
"And by the way I don’t like this mic, whoever the hell brought this mic system, don’t pay the son of a bitch who put it in,” Trump said. “No, this mic is terrible, stupid mic keeps popping. Do you hear that, George? Don’t pay him. Don’t pay him! You know I believe in paying but when somebody does a bad job, like this stupid mic, you shouldn’t pay the bastard. Terrible! Terrible!”
"And by the way I don’t like this (wall), whoever the hell (built this wall), don’t pay the son of bitch(es) who (built) it,” Trump said. “No, this (wall) is terrible, stupid (wall) keeps (falling down). Do you hear that, George? Don’t pay him. Don’t pay him! You know I believe in paying but when somebody does a bad job, like this stupid (wall), you shouldn’t pay the (dumb Mexican) bastard(s) (we hired). (Make them pay for it themselves.) Terrible! Terrible!”
sound guy should have packed up the mics, board & speakers then and there, and left
Yup…There’s the temperament required of The Commander and Chief of the world’s most powerful military and weaponry.
Ah, hahahahahaha! Can I give the tech. that installed it a HHHUUUGGGE tip?