Discussion: Trump Surrogate Pushes Pro-Putin Line That Russia Hasn't Seized Crimea (VIDEO)

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So says Comrade Drumpf…


Uh, what about the Donetsk Peoples Republic and the seizure of Luhansk? Or the ground war towards Mariupol ? It’s not just crimea.


How is this in any way smart? Does he realize this feeds into the Russian connection story? Come on how incompetent are these people?

Ok now that funny and sounds disgusting!




CROOked HITLARy STAcks THE DecK Against crIMEA and LIBTard LAmestreAM media BLAMes TRUMP? PEOPle HAVE been telling trump that HITLAry and PUtin have A Secret DEAL TO make TRUMP look STUPId. THis IS a MAN that WENT TO Wharton. THE FInest school in AMErica. THEy DON’t LET IN DUMMIEs. ONLY PEOPle whO HAve MADE saCRIFIces BY BUILDIng Businesses AND Employing people.


They’re all drinking the borscht-flavored kool-aid.


stop yourself hitting fixed


Between what will undoubtedly be a bigly yuge post-convention bounce for Hillary,
Team Drumpf / Dense is digging their grave ever deeper and faster. Keep going…


“Boris,” eh? Doesn’t sound very “American” to me. Yes, I am quite sure Mr. Epshteyn is not only Russian, but more than likely a Russian Jew.* Why is he supporting Trump and his hero, Putin? I really don’t understand some people. You would think this guy would know better.

*This is in no way to be construed as an attack on his religious affiliation or the Jewish faith; I just think he’s a hypocrite.

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Who is Boris really? Any connections to Russia?


Visit Russia before Russia visits you.


This latest round of deflection really is even beyond Goebbels, getting to full-on Orwellian dystopia, with these folks. The capacity of the political process, and its media scorekeepers, to countenance this without imploding is phenomenal to behold. I wonder whether there’s some sort of academic metric for how much cognitive dissonance the human brain can cope with before it totally dissociates? And something to judge how the current TrumPence examples rate, seemingly amateurish in comparison to the glory days of propaganda but still jarring? I remember reading about the way in which folks behind the Iron Curtain when things were really tightly controlled, worked to cope with the distortions between official fact and perceivable reality; yeah, I know, Fox News has its moments, but we’re talking big league doublespeak back then. Gonna be a long 100 days, particularly if sanity doesn’t start poking through here and there, green shoots in the media conceptual wasteland.


"campaign surrogate Boris Epshteyn said, “First of all, Russia did not seize Crimea.”

Someone named Boris Epshteyn making classic Soviet-style flat denials of reality (“President Andropov is not at all ill–just a head cold!”) is a Trump campaign surrogate?? This really is the Onion this time. Right?

Or maybe I’m (finally) having a lucid dream? Great! I’ve been trying to do this for a long time.


Secretly taken photo of a Crimean voter, preparing to “joyfully and willingly” cast a ballot for unification with Russia, with “no coercion or intimidation”:


He emigrated from Russia when he was about 10. The optics of a guy with a slightly Russian accent saying there was no seizure of Crimea is not so great.

Also he has this beauty on his resume, so the guy is a total truthteller:

Mr. Epshteyn was a Communications Aide with the McCain-Palin campaign where he coordinated nationwide communications and spent time both at the Arlington, Virginia campaign headquarters and in Anchorage, Alaska. While at the campaign, he was a key part of a rapid response task force which concentrated on issues related to the Vice Presidential nominee Sarah Palin. Further, he worked on media relations, prevention of widespread voter fraud and diverse legal topics.



I can’t watch the clip at work so my question is: Did the INTERVIEWER push back and say ‘it happened two years ago’ or did it just pass and is now fodder for the ‘he said she said’ and ‘both sides do it’ arguments?

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Has this stooge registered as the agent of a foreign power, as required?

(I suppose all of Trump’s “surrogates” should register, because HE is a foreign power.)

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I’m with stupid!

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