FFS. What a dickhead.
Red wave. FFS.
The optics are just so bad on that for so many obvious and different reasons.
Indeed, a flaming dickhead.
The Trumpiocentric theory,
Trump continued, “Wabba jawamma blah blah blah! Doodlee doodlee doo. Red wave. Drrrrmm drrrrmm.”
Which makes about as much sense as the quotes in the story.
Pig. A fat, gross pig!
Because, of course, Alexandria was just over-the-top in her praise of and respect for Trump.
He believes that “red wave” crap. The Crowley part could be an unfunny attempt at humor or it could be delusional too. It could be both. My stomach hurts.
The biggest turd in the septic tank thinks that big whiff of bleach can only signal a wave of new toilets. Sad.
Crowley lost for several reasons not the least of which …citizens are sick to death of people like him and " his president" and are to the pointvwhere they will DO something about it…
Trump talking about anybody being “nice”
I thought I had heard everything…
Talk about a man who is utterly clueless. Crowley’s district is extremely blue. The candidate who won is further left than Crowley. His problem wasn’t that he wasn’t nice to Trump. To the extent Trump had anything to do with Crowley’s defeat, it is more likely he was too nice to Trump.
In this World Cup Group, we have a dead tie between “Idjit,” “dick head,” “flaming dick head,” and “Fat Gross Pig.”
Later today, FIFA will hold coin flips to determine which two advance to the round of 16…
The Moron-in-Chief is either trolling, or just demonstrating (yet again) why he has earned the titles Lying Littledick and Moron-in-Chief.
I know, I know; Por que no los dos?
Example # 7,483 that there is no such thing as A Just God.
I think he’ll win, as he’s the only one in FIFA.
“FIFA” stands for “Federation of Idiots and Fucking Assholes,” right?
Yes, Donald. Good for you that the Trump-loving socialist won the race. That bodes so well for you in November!
I swear this motherfucker is doing 'shrooms.
Is he a malevolent 10-year-old or a malevolent 7-year-old? We need to settle this.
As my IT likes to say, looks like trump has an ID-10-T malfunction
He keeps reflecting the stupidity of his base.