The more he rails against the NYT, the more I read it. Our insecure so-called president is… You fill in the blanks
There was a time…not too long ago in this US of A…when, in addition to the Inquisition Era litany of above, there was the accusation that Jewish folks were pro USSR and not loyal to the US of A…and it is ironic because when the John Birchers and Klan folks and Stormfront folks all got the Mediocre White Goy who needs to rule the world for them to feel secure…he is totally pro Russia and apparently not loyal to the US of A…
I’m a proud subscriber to the NY Times! And, TPM Prime!
Confirmation bias. More addictive than nicotine.
Not sure how much attention he gets. I just happened to be reading his tweets recently because I was trying to understand what motivates him.
In light of our discussion last night: I’m sure you have by now seen the Rachel Maddow segment from last night. But just in case you haven’t. This is a big story, and no speculation involved or even anonymous sources used. It wasn’t the NYT or the WaPo, but right on cue!