Many people say time will prove me very right, and strong, perhaps in two weeks.
… because … Covfefe!
“I’m going to make a major speech, probably next week, or maybe after that, showing that I’m usually always right, always right, most of the time, probably. I have a very good brain.”
God to be in the room and just holler out “point to Iran on a map.”
He can’t do it. I guarantee he can’t do it.
Riiiiiiiiight. Time is definitely not on your side (nor is history), you revolting, fat, orange cunt.
Studies have shown that the less someone knows about a subject, the more certain they are about it. So, there you have it.
“Just stay rigid and fall back, and I guarantee I will catch you… probably.”
I hope he keeps this up. The long knives (metaphorically speaking) will come out eventually from the IC.
That’s almost the definition of the Dunning-Krueger brain disease, one of many manifested by this pos so -called “president”.
The doctor says I ran faster than anyone he’s ever seen! Very fast. Extremely strong heart and powerful legs. No one else can run as fast.
This will Deflection Donnie’s final say on the matter.
I think a trial and long prison sentence post 2020 will prove him wrong. His only way out is to hand the office over to Pence for a pardon, and his ego will not allow that.
Not sure Pence would or could pardon him. Let’s remember who hand-picked him. He’s chest-deep in all of this, too.
ETA @spin
Dunning-Kruger is not a brain disease. It is a human condition. It is best to understand that it applies to all of us. Understanding that humans (all of us) are basically stupid fucking apes is key to what’s left of our future.
Trump: “Time will prove me right, probably.”
In time, MAGA hats will be as socially and politically toxic as Nazi armbands are today.
(And that time is not very far off.)
Vacuous, confabulating donkey-poop. STFU.
Did anyone ask him where he gets his “right” intel from ?
Putin will prove me right.
It’s his intelligence I am quoting.
Trump’s disregard for–indeed, inability to understand–the concept of truth, and his disrespect for people who know their jobs, creates tremendous danger for the United Sates.