They are 100% as guilty as Trump is of that crime.
Kellyanne needs to confiscate both the smartphone AND that shovel he keeps digging with.
Drumpf is going full-blown “Ghouliani”. It ain’t pretty…
I finally realized that racism is not one of his motivators, it is the single most important one. He hates Obama not only because Obama humiliated him, but because he is African American. Trump can’t believe that Obama was admitted to Columbia and Harvard Law with benefit of affirmative action, which Trump detests. (Pocahantas.) He has a ton of other problems, but I think race is the single most important one. As Zach Galifinakas said to HRC, he should be wearing a white power tie.
Because of course it isn’t possible that they were coerced. Trump lives in an alternate reality, and unfortunately he’s trying to merge his batshit world with ours.
and then call the undertaker. let’s hope he goes underground Nov 8 and we don’t hear from him anymore…for like two days at least would be a nice break.
Does this mean that Trump will start referring to the Central Park 5 as “Super Predators?”
Because to people like Trump, and sadly, I know people like this, one black man is every black man.
If anyone knows a rapist it’s drumpf. Just ask his ex.
Well, if the police say they’re guilty then that invalidates DNA results.
Hell, why even have a trial? Just let police shoot people they think might be guilty of something or other.
What’s that?
We already have that?
If that…er… organism becomes President, kiss due process goodbye. A man who can never ever ever admit that he was wrong, who is quick to jump to conclusions (based on white supremacy assumptions), who is swift to declare someone guilty without waiting for all the facts (you know, facts? those troublesome things?), is so highly dangerous.
This is really real. I could write “OMG, because he acts this way, he is so dangerous” about Trump-trait after Trump-trait after Trump-trait. And there’s STILL be more to write, more and more to OMG OMG OMG over.
Every time a drone strike kills another wedding party, President Trump will applaud our military for a job well done. When asked to apologize, he will say we had the best intelligence, end of story.
More than anything else, Trump is a case study in never wrong-ism. He NEVER admits one mistake or error.
“Four of whom are black and one of whom is Latino.”
Or, by Trump’s legal standard, “guilty beyond a reasonable doubt”.
Anyway, this will make a great question for the town hall. He’ll handle the whole thing with the biggliest grace.
I live in NYC and remember it well. The ad did not only run in the NYT but the tabloids as well. It was Trump in his gilded mansion crossed with a version of a Jim Crow era sherriff. In 1989 -90 after the incident and the ad run I happened to be working with a number of blue collar folks, plumbers, electricians etc. Many posted the ad in their offices like a badge of honor.
He really, really doesn’t know when to shut up. Ever.
And he couldn’t even stand up to a committee of bankers, much less actual coercion.
Trump is impervious to new information. It doesn’t change his positions. Also any reasonable person (in the age of Black Lives Matter and calls to reform the criminal justice system) would see this as a flaw that should be addressed, but Trump is playing the “I’m rich and white and I say so” card.
Daveyjones64 said it the other day: This sort of thing only shores up his base, if it even does that, because it’s beyond racist, it’s flat-out nuts. But it does nothing to expand beyond his base; it’s killing him with the educated and the country-club GOP. He’s been told that but he continues because that’s who he is. You do you, Donald. Just keep doing you. Suits me ju-ust fi-ine.
Trump has to address each and every event that shows him to be wrong. The men were released. Yet he stated at the time they were guilty. He suffered a rebuke. That cannot go unanswered. He’s never wrong. He never apologizes.