Calling Kelly, calling Kelly. Clean-up in aisle nine.
So, having Kelly as COS is totally working out… I mean, it lasted a couple of days. That’s some progress, amirite?
Bwahahaha. No rest for the weary (or is it the wicked), Gen. Kelly.
Pot calling kettle…
We might have to create a new DSM entry that covers obsessive tweeting of paranoid delusions with a huge overtone of bullying.
Still waiting for Melania’s long-anticipated stand against cyber-bullying. Any day now.
Isn’t he supposed to be vacation???
You might as well flip on the landing lights for Amelia Earhart!
That’s been delayed until after her press conference where she provides all her work and immigration documents.
Every accusation is a confession.
He’s getting down to it now …
Let’s never forget that Trump fought his Vietnam… by avoiding venereal disease… and I’m sure he probably lied about that as well.
Psychological Projection: Dealing With Undesirable Emotions
How To Recognize and Avoid This Defense Mechanism
I would have said something like “Trump says I’m a con artist. Will work great on my 2017 Christmas card. Thanks Don!”
The President is bored. He’s pulled off the wings of all the flies in his immediate vicinity and chopped off the heads of all the snails. Starting a new Twitter feud is his way of seeking out meaning and human connection.
Beat me to it, darn you!
…conquests, how brave he was, and it was all a lie. He cried like a baby and begged for forgiveness like a child.
He’s confessed to the crime. Now he’s showing us what’s next.
Well, so much for staying off Twitter.
I guess Kelly will have to replace Melania in the Trump bedroom to even hope to reign this idiot in.
Donnie is having a sad because the Senate arranged pro-forma sessions and didn’t go into formal recess, thus removing any way to make a recess appointment AG who could fire Mueller.
If Trump’s pitiful morning tweets are any indication, General Kelly’s ‘controls’ need some fine tuning or, perhaps, Chinese finger puzzles?