Discussion: Trump Stares Down First Electoral Loss In Alabama

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What the hell is wrong with people in Alabama? Roy Moore? Seriously?

I gather that even with the nomination of this nutjob for the GOP, the dems have zero chance of winning the seat.


Kind of hard to choose between two perfectly awful candidates. Perhaps I have a little understanding of how people thought the choice between Clinton and Trump was the same. Of course, it wasn’t, but I can see how it might spin that way. Candidate Moore Strange, that’s how I see it.

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Getting on the tiger is easy. Dump’s finding out about the other end of the trip.


The Republicans let every nut, racist, gun fetishist and freak out of the nuthouse and now they are paying the price.

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I hope Moore wins, he is bat-poop crazy and will fit right in with Shelby. Why is Alabama still a state? It’s been regressing into a Central American style corrupt political entity for years. Make it a Commonwealth or Territory till it gets it’s house in order.

PS: If you are going to have a quote from the Bible on a courthouse shouldn’t it be “Judge not lest ye be judged”?


Trump Stares Down First Electoral Loss In Alabama

Ugh, if Roy Moore becomes a US Senator, trump isn’t the loser, we all lose!


See… in Alabama they watched the Handmaid’s tale and thought it was a feel-good film about the future… but just with a bad ending.


If Moore wins, Trump’s power is shown to be weak and his bark just noise. Politicians and their ilk can now ignore him with impunity.

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Given that:
… The winner of this primary will be the next AL Senator, and;
… Both Moore and Strange are extreme hard-right conservatives.

WWMD (What would Machiavelli do)?

Vote for Moore:
… He will do more damage to the Republican brand nationally because of his extreme positions and antics, and;
… His election will reinforce Trump’s image of ineptness and will weaken Trumps’s influence on Congress.


One thing this country does not need right now is Moore Strange politics.

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Your Democratic Party at work: Internal debate about whether to support the Democratic candidate.

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The only General Election polling I’m seeing is from Emerson and it doesn’t look good. Moore seems to do better against Jones than Strange would. That seems to go against the conventional wisdom that Moore is too extreme. Looks more like Moore could be the better General Election candidate. Crazy, but this Alabama.

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“And while most strategists in the state think the contest is a bit closer than that and say Trump has helped Strange close that gap some in the race’s home stretch”

Nope. A primary for a special election is difficult to get people to show up for…on both sides of the aisle. This particular problem is amplified for Trump, because he relied on so many “marginal voters” who don’t vote regularly anyway.


Could anything get “Moore Strange”?

All this situation is telling me is that the Alabama GOP members are more lunatic than 45 is.

And that’s saying something.

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That would be an overstatement, IMO. This race is confusing for a lot of GOP voters. Both candidates are pretty hard core republicans from the right wing of the party. Moore probably has greater name recognition, and though I am not following the on the ground campaigns, I suspect Moore has probably been running the more active campaign.

Regardless of those factors, however…this race is not a referendum on Trump. Neither candidate is running on a #NeverTrump platform. All of that equates to Trump having much less influence upon the race, so it is driven more by local conditions and campaigning. Consider that the big news out of his rally, had absolutely nothing to do with Alabama. They don’t even have a NFL team.

Now it is true that he has been a weak surrogate. He couldn’t even get his own cabinet to hold the line with him (Carson campaigned for Moore, for example…and where in the hell has Sessions been on all of this? Its his old seat, after all).

But that shouldn’t be totally surprising. Trump is about Trump. He wants no challengers to his mantle emerging. So it shouldn’t be a shock that he is a pretty crappy surrogate campaigner.

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The Republicans will pay no price for their peculiar Southern strategy.

Now not only can two-leggers like Scott Pruitt run out on their tabs, their 24-7 security details can take down anybody from the bar or restaurant who runs out after them. Not to mention the batallion of lawyers and judges lying in wait should the venues sue to collect. Or even if they disclose the stiffing, violating the new NDA Amendment to the Constitucky :flushed:

It’s not the first. GOP has lost a lot of special elections at the state level. This will be his first loss at the Federal level, but it’s really a continuation of the further radicalization of the GOP. This is like a tea party 2.0, and Bannon is linking up with this phenomenon and articulating it as a movement against the GOP establishment.