Ummmmmm, lady, there is someone here with brain damage, but it isn’t Hillary…
Look at those unfocused, soul-less, ammosexual eyes.
Mostly oatmeal north of the eyebrows, I’d say.
I diagnose Katrina Pierson with diarrhea of the brain. It’s a serious condition. No cure. Sad!
I guess the attack harpy didn’t check her twitter. Rumpublicans are supposed to be acting sorry for causing personal pain, today.
Oh, Trump’s pivoting all right. But he’s pivoting toward the scurrilous and crazy, not away. Kellyanne Conway is a beard. Bannon’s the id to her superego. This isn’t going to be pretty.
If unintentional irony was lethal, Pierson would be lying on a slab in the morgue by now.
Is it just me, or does she always have phallic shaped objects in the background of her photo ops?
Nah, subliminal messages would be too complex for the Drumpfsters.
I think this was ChuckTodd’s show with Welker behind the desk? I’m sure KW pushed back on the insane lies just as hard as CT would have. As in, not-one-single-f’ing-bit.
Yes, honey, you be sure to tell Mr. Trump that his opponent has brain damage–so he doesn’t have to exert too much energy on his debate prep.
Brain damaged? And the Drumpfster is getting whomped by a girl with brain damage? Speaks volumes…
Goebbel’s retarded parthenogenic twat great granddaughter says what?
The "news " shows must stop giving the brain damaged twit air time.
hmm… I would say this interviewer did one of the better jobs of showing Pierson for what she is.
In particular, “I haven’t read those articles”… WEAK.
By the way, are they talking about Manafort much on TV? What I have read is explosive.
But Pierson’s deranged comments and those from others of her ilk are working. Intellectually lazy reporter Andrea Mitchell Greenspan (R-Onepercenter) took the spoon-fed conspiracy theory and proudly shilled for Trump by specifically asking Clinton two days ago “What about those rumors about your health?”.
She’s still trying to regain her composure after a half-hour of fawning over photos of the “Emperor Has No Balls” in the green room.
"Trump himself has “said that she doesn’t have the strength or the stamina for a very long time.” "
No. What’s been happening for a long time is Trump pushing the line that Hillary doesn’t have “strength or stamina.” These are exactly the words he uses in this video from months ago (it’s humorous, since they dub over an upper class English accent, but it’s Trump’s words). The Trump campaign is just giving a pseudo-medical basis for the same accusation.
It’s obviously rooted in a sexist attack–that as a woman she is “weak.” Laughably lame.
The smell of derpspiration is strong with that one.
Now ! Now ! No Slut shaming !