Discussion: 'Trump Slump': Gun Sales Down In Shifting Political Climate

Fewer households have any guns, but households with guns have more of them, because once a nutter, you just get nuttier.

Anyone close enough to their neighbors to piss them off with gunshots, is too close to be firing any gun safely at any target. Legitimate sportsmen and marksmen should practice at a designated range or an empty field somewhere far away from other people. And wear earplugs.

Happened to me in East TN. Cops did squat, other than also ducking when rounds hit the side of my home. They told me the neighbor was a fine well trained certified police firearms safety instructor.


In my state there are state laws regarding how close to a dwelling a firearm can be legally discharged. Some municipalities have additional restrictions, too.

That said, some people are more sensitive to gunshots than others and some are more sensitive to loud noises of any kind than other people are. Personally, leaf blowers annoy the crap out of me. Iā€™d prefer gunshots.

During an intense firefight to protect the country from tyranny, a gun firing many bullets in a short time will become very hot, might jam, or simply break.

Got to have backup guns to keep up the fight!!

Too bad you canā€™t buy guns with food stamps.

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Showing my age. I read that first as ā€œgreen stampsā€.

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