Discussion: 'Trump Slump': Gun Sales Down In Shifting Political Climate

That’s another point - demand during the Obama years drove up prices for guns and ammunition. The gun industry may have also inadvertently reduced gun sales because of affordability wrt their target audience.


Alas, I know.

I live way out of town, rural, so to speak, and a 10/22 (ten shot and .22 caliber) rifle used to cost less than $100.00. With all the paranoia, the price on a cheap one went over $250.00, with no good reason other than they could get away with it.

[It is an excellent means of varmint control (gophers, rattlesnakes, etc.), and deters coyotes and javelina from killing my cats and smaller dogs.]


In other slumps, Krugman looks at what the economy is and will probably look like in the near future compared to what Reagan did and didn’t do.

Reactive politics, their voters don’t vote for things, they vote against perceived threats. The R’s make it their business to tell them what the threats are, while never doing anything about them (the ones that have any basis in reality, that is; most of the threats are completely made up. See: “border security”).

Obama was gonna take away all their guns despite never making any concrete proposals for gun control. So they all went out and mortgaged their trailers to buy more guns. Get 'em while the gettin’s good.

It’s the same reason Reactionaries skate right up to but never actually outlaw abortion.

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I still think the right way to be considerate of the neighbors, if they live close enough to be annoyed by gunshots, is to go practice somewhere else. Not to arm a silencer.



AP. That explains a fair bit.

See if this helps explain it.

You are NOT the boss of me! So there!

Time’re getting hard for some folks.
Might be a good time to make a few low ball offers here and there.

Just FYI, “silencer” is how the marketing department would describe a suppressor. Or the screenwriting Dept.

If you are at all interested in the reality, you can find plenty of YouTube videos in which the same firearm is fired with and without suppressor, for comparison.

They are not silent. The reduce the sound a lot, such that it wouldn’t be terribly loud in, say, a suburban neighborhood.

Now, WHY the fuck you need to be able to fire a gun in such a way that the people in that area wouldn’t be alarmed, is a damned good question. Still waiting on a reasonable answer.

Oh you need to hunt varmints?
Get a fucking bow and learn to use it.
They even have bows with rifle style stocks and triggers and scopes and such, for those who are physically challenged or can’t handle learning to use a bow.

You never know when she’s gonna show up with a pair of pliers …

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This is an AP sourced article.

I wonder if there’s any correlation among ads served and article sources. Cross reference with topic …

The shots were from a gun range, and I wonder how this plays out in FL since apparently you can have your own gun range in your backyard. The city, municipality, nor the county can make any restrictions. Several people have had near misses while sitting in their own home while their Mr. Magoo neighbor tries to hit a target in his own backyard.

Fewer households have any guns, but households with guns have more of them, because once a nutter, you just get nuttier.

Anyone close enough to their neighbors to piss them off with gunshots, is too close to be firing any gun safely at any target. Legitimate sportsmen and marksmen should practice at a designated range or an empty field somewhere far away from other people. And wear earplugs.

Happened to me in East TN. Cops did squat, other than also ducking when rounds hit the side of my home. They told me the neighbor was a fine well trained certified police firearms safety instructor.


In my state there are state laws regarding how close to a dwelling a firearm can be legally discharged. Some municipalities have additional restrictions, too.

That said, some people are more sensitive to gunshots than others and some are more sensitive to loud noises of any kind than other people are. Personally, leaf blowers annoy the crap out of me. I’d prefer gunshots.

During an intense firefight to protect the country from tyranny, a gun firing many bullets in a short time will become very hot, might jam, or simply break.

Got to have backup guns to keep up the fight!!

Too bad you can’t buy guns with food stamps.

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Showing my age. I read that first as “green stamps”.

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