Discussion: Trump Slaps New 'Hard Hitting' Sanctions On Iran

Mel lives with her parents and Barron in Maryland, according to Michael Wolfe in his second book about the maladministration.


trumPP will never admit why he’s really pissed at Iran. They cyber attacked Adelson’s Las Vegas casino.


What’s the point of a Doomsday Machine if you don’t tell anyone about it?


Have you seen Bette Midler’s name for Melania?


:joy: perfect.


What’s the point of a Doomsday Machine if you don’t use it…


And what or who, pray tell, are the sanctions levied on?

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South Africa never did. They were only revealed toward the end of apartheid. IIRC, Israel allegedly helped with the development. And we never revealed ours in 1945 until they were used.


I just read the WaPo article and sanctions aren’t listed there either!

Hmmmm. It’s a secret, and blabbermouth is uncharacteristicly mum.

Edited to correct whatever was added by autocorrect. Bugle? I had the -ly there too!


I’ve loved Bette since the previous century when I saw her at a small club here and she was not yet The Divine Miss M, and it continues because of stuff like this. But since the claws are out, there’s this. No Vogue cover for FLOTITS. But three for Mrs. O.



OK, but the paint was still wet on those, and only we had them. It’s a lot different now.
You can’t actually use the fucking things, what’s the point of not telling?

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I just find it hilarious that Trump is basically putting the whole world at risk of war, with his only stated end goal being to achieve a fraction of what Obama achieved with the nuclear deal in 2015.

The Iranians must be going crazy over this. He is saying stuff like he will be Iran’s best friend if they don’t build nuclear weapons, and they’re like, hello, we weren’t building nuclear weapons. In fact we shipped out a bunch of the material that could possibly have been used to built nukes, and we reduced our nuke grade refining actions down to a minimum.

When we were building nukes you slapped sanctions on us, and now that we are continuing to not build nukes, your are doubling down onthat.


Friend to all, enemy to none.

“I have many friends that are Iranians. It’s very sad what is happening to that country.”

@addicted4444 This is how much he hates BHO, cancelling a treaty he never heard of but Obama was responsible for it.

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A preemptive strike by us, Israel, both, might be immpossible to resist And keep in mind, physical testing is not really necessary. The physics is straight forward. Explosively combine two subcritical masses of Uranium 235 /Plutonium together or implode a mass to critical density. I’m amazed the Federalist Society doesn’t have one in the works.f

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In the WaPo report, he wants to be paid.

lamented on Twitter that the United States was “protecting the shipping lanes” in the strait “for other countries . . . for zero compensation.”


Of course he does. I wonder how much of our money he and his grifting buddies have stolen already.


But NATO owes us bigly money!

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According to people who’ve studied the impact of sanctions on nations and whether they lead to the intended behavior, results show they rarely, if ever, work. Any if our allies aren’t totally on board, this will fail miserably -whatever it is he’s planning.

I don’t believe Iran will respond positively to an approach that involves sticks only, but that’s all Trump knows. If this wasn’t so serious, Obama would probably be laughing watching Trump tie himself in knots after breaking a nuclear agreement that was working.


Is there any reference anywhere that describes what the new sanctions actually are? I’ve seen nothing specific anywhere yet. Without that, it just sounds to me like more fake news emanating from the White House, yet again.

I wish the article outlined some of the specifics… e.g. what are the “hard hitting” sanctions exactly? And is there a path to removing them that doesn’t involve Iran belly-crawling in shame to get them lifted? We can coexist peacefully, with a little good-faith effort.

Ginning up interminable situations and then “solving them” unilaterally, isn’t the same as actually fixing international relationships…

A nuance clearly lost on this president*…


No I understand that, hell we could pick ten particular posters here and probably build a bomb that worked. ( Plu-235 no good for gun bombs)

My point is, that you can’t use them in a practical sense. I realize it’s a possibility, but the fallout ( sorry) would be catastrophic for the one that did it.