Discussion: Trump Skips Mention Of McCain At GOP Dinner

Privately, Trump refers to McCain as “Senator Poo-Poo-Head.”

Class act.


Help me out, Republicans.

Which one am I supposed to trash as a stupid, worthless dog — the 2016 candidate or the 2008 candidate?


Dotard doesn’t like cancer victims.



Petty, vindictive Donald Trump might not have shown any grace toward John McCain at the end of one of his “great accomplishment” weeks (“Nobel !!! Nobel !!! Nobel !!!”) But at the end of the most obviously disastrous week of his illegitimate, unraveling presidency, there was no way he was going to find any empathy for McCain and his family in his dark, miserable heart.


I didn’t always agree with his politics but John McCain has more patriotism and class in an atom of his heart than Trump would ever possess in a thousand lifetimes.
Trump is a despicable human being and I shall afford him the same treatment when he dies with the exception of going out of my way to piss on his grave


Trump’s attempts to imitate normal human empathy are so maladroit and creepy that if I were McCain I’d just as soon he kept his mouth shut like the churlish lout he is. Just don’t bother.


The Republican base has conflated boorish, churlish, classless behavior with strength. They are truly adrift on the open seas with no moral compass and unanchored by any sense of honor or decency.


Does he think it’s contagious?


Didn’t he un-invite him to his funeral?


Oh, right … Trump is an asshole. I forgot.


Yupper. Persona non grata.


Found it
McCain doesn’t want Trump at funeral, friends tell White House
McCain, who has been battling brain cancer, and Trump have had a turbulent relationship. The senator wants Vice President Mike Pence to attend instead.


And I’ll bet anything Obama will be invited and warmly greeted.


Wait until Trump sees the adulation by the MSM, his friends and peers directed at McCain when he dies.

There will be very few mourners and nothing positive said when Trump finally exits. Incidentally, to all his sycophants out there, wanting to make America white again is not something that deserves praise.


Well…according to Senator Urine Hatch, Trump is from New York City. And it is a slam-bang difficult world, New York City is. And, I guess it is a miracle he is as miserable a human being as he is, and is doing as good a job as he does, being a Russian Intelligence elected President and all.

So, thank you Orin Fucking Hatch for lowering the leadership and cultural bar of this Country even further than you have done during your miserable fucking Senate career, and explaining to your fellow White geriatric demographic that New York City is such a fucking jungle that most of Donald Trump’s defects can be explained away and blamed on all of New York’s immigrant, last name ending in vowel population. I mean look at Carl Paladino…a fucking Neanderthal…so how can we expect Trump to show any grace towards a dying man? New Yorkers don’t do that…


You beat me to it. Anything Trump might have said would have been so phony and forced and scripted that it’s actually less offensive for him to not say anything. He’a a narcissistic jackass utterly incapable of empathy, who views other human beings strictly in terms of their loyalty and usefulness to him and his ego, and that’s not going to ever change.


I guess neither we nor the McCain family have much to worry about, then:

Trump has told White House aides he does not regret saying McCain is not a war hero. He tells advisers that McCain has a vendetta against him and that he wishes he’d step down. He doesn’t plan to say a laudatory word about the ailing senator. https://t.co/3RWOBSHKdH

— Josh Dawsey (@jdawsey1) August 25, 2018

The best description I ever saw of what ails Trump—no longer up on YouTube unfortunately—said when you’re that sick the feeling, vulnerable, empathetic part of you has withered away and all that’s left is a vacuum that constantly hungers for approval and recognition. He just can’t care what another person feels. McCain criticized him when he first started running, and that was it forever. On the eve of the man’s death, all he can think about is revenge.


If Dotard did show up, he’d likely be wearing an XXXXXL version of this…