Discussion: Trump Signs His First Veto After Congress Rejects His National Emergency

This is among the dumbest thing he’s done since he’s been in office!

Personally, I’m sick of his stupidity!

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On some level it seems that Trump is employing this “emergency Powers” over reach - and the veto - as a sort of testing of the waters - process validation - desensitization - normalization to assess the usefulness , potential for success and over all utility of this option for executive action in the future.

He has clearly encroached on matters that are the Congresss’s to decide - and now he knows how many Republicans are willing to roll over and ignore the constitution and obediently do his bidding …

also - that “I am ordering the grounding of Boeing 737s” was not just an out of control ego (which it was in part) - it conditions the population to accept his unilateral orders as ‘acceptable’

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Trump Signs His First Veto After Congress Rejects His National Emergency

Would Beto veto?

"Pelosi sets March 26 for date of veto override."

I really think Dump’s head would explode if both Houses voted to override his veto.


The very definition of sycophant.

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Does the House’s attempting a veto override require the Senate to try it too?

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Dump: “Wait, it happened in a mosque? I thought it happened in a Christchurch.”


And every day I look at a TPM comment board and find someone using “pussy grabber” or “grabbing” in yet one more pathetic attempt to be funny since the day moron boasted about assaulting women.


Fatso’s been using “invaders” in describing Central Americans trying to come north. Sure as anything the monster who shot up a mosque also used “invaders” to describe Muslim worshipers. There’s an Islamophobe in the WH which most of us knew from day one, and I’m afraid no matter who is elected in 2020 they will not be able to turn back this tide of world-wide, dug in hatred.


I thought the shooter in New Zealand said straight up that Trump was his inspiration and that he started planning this when Trump got “elected.”


That’s a fact, his manifesto praised Trump as “a symbol of renewed white identity and common purpose.” Another of the shooter’s role models was Oswald Mosley.

We went on vacation to NZ some years back, it had at that time a back to the future Fifties feeling. Quiet unrushed cities and friendly people, but a gorgeous country from the north where we flew into Auckland to, yes, Christchurch in the south.


The woman’s got nothing better to do than to go to work and make things happen.


Isle of Dogs is such a great movie, not only for those who love dogs but also for those looking for a clue as to what exactly Fatso is saying about them.

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Just wait till the next Democratic Presidents get to decide what is a “national emergency” esp. if there is a mass shooting!


Most of us learned about vetoes in 11th grade. Trump learned about them for the first time yesterday.

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Soon Trump will say he signed the most and the best vetoes of any President.

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I see nothing funny about tramp!
Sorry if that’s how you and your three friends take my remarks, which are meant to point out how loathsome a man we let get elected president.

You’re on the defensive, that’s good.

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Little Girl,Gamma Fi! Are you a troll? if not, it’s crap like you are writing that make us libs look stupid and lose elections…

Seriously, what troll pays for Prime. You don’t pay for Prime, maybe you’re the troll. But it’s clear you equate pussy with loathsome. Please proceed.

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