The jokes write themselves.
They do if you have an AI joke app.
(Dear Lord, I’ve said too much…)
Just declare an A.I. emergency, then take the funds from Puerto Rico. That’s like part of Cuba or something, right?
Yup. This is Trumpism in one small soundbite. They want to compete with the Chinese in “Artificial Intelligence” but they can’t put together a plan or figure out how to pay for it, so they just sign a piece of paper. After all, when the Chinese use artificial intelligence to like, try to Understand the lies on FOX news, well we can counter them with this peice of paper. Yup, making America great again, one gold Sharpie signature at a time.
“Trump’s order directs federal agencies to make government data and computing resources more available to artificial intelligence experts while maintaining security and confidentiality. Creating such standards for capturing and sharing huge troves of data, such as medical records, could lead to breakthroughs in medical diagnosis and treatment, said Tom Mitchell, interim dean of Carnegie Mellon University’s computer science school.”
“The order also calls on agencies to “protect civil liberties, privacy and American values” in applying AI technologies, and to help workers gain relevant skills through fellowships, apprenticeships, training programs and computer science education.”
Trump just announced that he will sell off the remaining moon cheese from the Apollo program to pay for the AI program.
Can someone remind me how many Trump business entities filed for bankruptcy??
Watch out for the knock knock jokes in the future. They have taken a dark turn in this light.
What are they going to tell Trump when it turns out that any A.I. environment is far smarter than he is. And that is just powering up before program load.
And it weighs less. Begin the wraithing of A.I.!
I really believe that whoever gets their hands on good AI tech will have the world in their hands.
No, it won’t be a single fantastically smart general intelligence that does everything far better than humans. It’ll be tech and theory and infrastructure that allows for rapid growth of domain-specific intelligences. But you can still assemble global domination from a portfolio of such assets.
“We can figure out how to regulate and account for the downside risks now, or we can wait until it’s too late and it’s purely reactive and people are out of work,”
Did he steal this from the GOP mission statement on the economy, immigration, and climate change?
“Alexa, find me something to sign.”
Trump knows nothing of AI, while Robert Mercer has been exploiting it in high-frequency trading for a decade. The plan of the superrich is probably to augment themselves to be 100 billion times brighter than an average person and then arrange society according to their needs. Trump might not ever get the chance to benefit and the novelty value of his children is probably too low for them even to be considered as pets.
Yeah the rich in the 22d century. hahahahaha
If there is still money, of course. Star Trek tells us money gets phased out around that time. A policy taken from President AOC, I believe.
Trump IS artificial intelligence damn it.