“And many of them are my friends,” he added.
‘A Lot Of People Have Done Really Bad Things’
And someone in the State Department has a list.
He is an obscenity.
I’m out of words.
I’ll just go to bed now.
Hitler loved his dog. We’ll overlook the other stuff.
More to the point, Mueller has a list, too.
When Baier pressed him, protesting that Kim has done many “bad things,” Trump was unmoved. “So have a lot of other people,” he said,
“Me, for instance. Nobody would believe the number and kinds of bad things I’ve done, I can tell you that. And the bad things I’d really like to do - well, you don’t even want to think about those, believe me.”
"But there are people who have done bad things on both sides. "
I assume that’s his next defense.
So he’s shrugging off the death of Otto Warmbier, too, I guess.
He praised Duterte, so why not Kim? Not to mention his controller. The GOP has simply granted him free reign, as long as he doesn’t cut ethanol subsidies.
I’ve been in “just wait” mode for such a damn long time.
Don’t be shy you dodo-brained felon. Tell the friendly fox talking head about the bad things YOU’VE done. They’ll most likely cut to commercial before you get to the really, really bad stuff.
that one bit of inhumanity and lack of self awareness pisses me off so much I could chew nails.
He poisoned his half brother, used anti aircraft guns on opponents and musicians, starved his people, had Otto Warmbier beaten to death for stealing a poster, killed his uncle, etc., etc. and those are bad things. He kind of sounds like a tweaked Martha Stewart.
Trump has a natural feel for autocracy.
You need to terrorize not only your enemies—it also is necessary to give a vague but palpable feeling of fear to everyone. The autocrat’s enemy is the existence of any secure subgroup.
Trump is pulling the rug out from everyone.
Lots have had people executed with anti-aircraft guns.
There is only one moral law in Trump’s universe, and that is the absolute requirement that you praise and help Trump. If you do that, you are totally good. If you do not, you are totally bad. He has no other value system. And he’s not even aware that his is sociopathic and insane.
I said a couple days ago that America was entering its Dark Ages but I really think its worse than that. We are entering the Age of Reptiles again.
It still just amazes me that anyone thought this POS would help them or this country.
This dovetails nicely with Ronna’s tweeted threat about requiring the support of dear leader donnie.