Discussion: Trump Set To Roll Back Limits On Military Gear For Local Police

That’s it! Just Kill the Poor. Problem solved!

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Nukes in Dunkerton, Iowa

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If you provide grenade launchers, someone will use them … they’re a weapon designed to kill numbers of people indiscriminately. Can you imagine that psycho in Milwaukee with grenade launchers available?

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Nice. I haven’t heard a Dead Kennedy’s song in ages.

Just keep that shit away from me. I’m a billionaire.

I guess the fact that crime is at an all time low is wasted on this moron asshole.

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In Trump’s mind military and police are basically the same thing.

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This is easily explained by the fact that for Trump every day is Obama-opposite day.

(This is really a pretty accurate succinct summary of this policies.)

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I still listen to them regularly. Some of their songs are pretty relevant these days.

Ve haf vays of dealing vit chu !!! They say while awkwardly holding a cigarette and wearing brown colored t-shirts…

Won’t be long before protesting in any manner will get a bayonet jammed up your … … “protester”.

"They describe much of the gear as “defensive in nature…”

So tracked vehicles like tanks, 50-caliber machine guns and grenade launchers are “defensive”,
are they? GRENADE LAUNCHERS? Really?

Right. And the Gulf of Tonkin Pretext, I mean “Incident”, forced the U.S. into large-scale troop operations in the Vietnam War, in a “defensive” action to protect our freedoms and our way of life.
–> We had no choice, see?