Discussion: Trump: Senate GOP's Bill To Repeal Obamacare Is 'Going To Be Very Good'


Anything Trump says Is “good” is bad.

And anything Trump says is “very good” is sure to worsen and in some cases end the lives of many of us.


I thought “good health care” for Trump meant covering everyone, and doing it for less than Obamacare costs. It’s just one more indication that Trump doesn’t really know what he’s doing, or care that this travesty of a bill will harm the people that voted for him. The big question is if they will wake up and finally realize that the Republican policies, which value tax cuts for the rich over the lives of the poor, are the exact opposite of what they need in their lives.


Shorter Drumpf: Very Good for Billionaires…


I knew the slice of the public that would believe literally anything you told them confidently enough was surprisingly large. So I guess I shouldn’t be surprised that I’m surprised. But JFC the one thing you can say, the one most salient characteristic the AHCA has, is that it is by a million light years the opposite of “good.” It’s bad. It’s very, very bad. And even though I could list reasons why there isn’t an enraged mob of millions with torches and pitchforks chasing Trump out of the country right now, ultimately it’s just astonishing and unbelievable. “Going to be very good.” I swear I’m losing my fucking mind.

This is the thing about Trump. He will literally promise anything to get what he wants. And unfortunately life hasn’t forcefully enough argued back to him that promising everything doesn’t work. You’d think the 25 million bucks he paid to settle over Trump University would be a hint, but he’s just not a hint-taker.


Great… that means we’re all going to die.


What a surprise! Shocking! Trump will rubber stamp any GOP bill cutting his taxes by stripping the poor of health care. Someone get me the smelling salts, will ya?


Trump: Senate GOP’s Bill To Repeal Obamacare Is ‘Going To Be Very Good’

Dear Obamacare Enrollee: Congratulations! After 8 long years of medical tyranny, we are finally able to give you the freedom and choice you desire. You will have the freedom to go bankrupt in pursuit of medical care. Insurance companies will be free to make more profit. And the rich will the freedom from taxes (assuming they pay any taxes).

Of course, our statistical analysts have concluded it is probably more cost effective for all concerned if you just pass away. But you can do so knowing that the GOP protected your freedoms in life, even if that life is shorter than it is has to be.


Signed - The Grand Old Putin Party (GOPP)


I’m beginning to think that Trump has a very “weak bench” of stereotypic responses. It’s slmost as if he doesn’t know what’s going on.


As long as he’s being told how great he is, he really doesn’t care.


The way things work
Republicans = Trying to hurt people
Democrats = Trying to help people

Same as it ever was
Same as it ever was


[quote=“ralph_vonholst, post:9, topic:57941, full:true”]
I’m beginning to think that Trump has a very “weak bench” of stereotypic responses. It’s slmost as if he doesn’t know what’s going on.
[/quote]It’s almost as if he doesn’t have sufficient intellect for the job.


He’s Reagan 2.0; he’ll rubber stamp anything as long as it makes him feel important.


The dumb son of a bitch has absolutely no idea what’s in it. Or even the slightest thing about healthcare or health insurance on the whole.


He’s never fucking seen it, heard anything about it, and wouldn’t be able to focus long enough to read or listen to it and wouldn’t understand it if he could read or listen to it.


“A little negotiation,” Trump replied, “but it’s going to be very good.”

So, Trump is going to sit down with the Senate and House Republican leadership and negotiate a very good bill that provides health care coverage for everybody, with better benefits at lower cost - just like he said he’d do for us!!! Right? I mean, he promised.


Dementia. If this were anyone else, we’d all agree it was dementia.


I think that when Trump referred to the AHCA as “mean, mean, mean” and “a son of a bitch” he meant those things a compliments.

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OMFG—not seeing it here but this morning Trump tweeted some mealy-mouthed garbage about how there might have been tapes of the Comey conversations, what with all the people bugging Trump’s every move, but he personally didn’t tape Comey. Un-be-liev-able.

With all of the recently reported electronic surveillance, intercepts, unmasking and illegal leaking of information, I have no idea...

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 22, 2017

...whether there are "tapes" or recordings of my conversations with James Comey, but I did not make, and do not have, any such recordings.

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 22, 2017

Didn’t you just know it would be some weak-ass crap like this? Wow wow wow wow wow. Pure Conway I’m guessing. One of the all-time great excuse-makers of history.

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He wont even read it…his staff will have to draw pictures and give him treats while they brief him on it due to his AAD…

The Man-child in Chief…