Discussion: Trump Says Women May ‘Have To Go To Another State’ To Get Abortions (VIDEO)

Splitting babies never works out well.


Hey, Trump and Clinton are both “flawed” candidates, so why vote for either?
What could possibly go wrong?


First that person will have to have an additional 3 openings on SCOTUS. Even if his replacement for Fat Tony of the Dirt Nap votes to overturn, there are 6 votes to uphold Roe.

No way in hell Kennedy will retire during that person’s tenure. Kennedy has written the majority opinions in most of the civil rights cases. Kennedy will stick it out, as will RBG.


Hey hey yea yea let all return to the good’ol days of wire hangers. That is unless you have greenbacks, then even Catholic hospitals will do the procedure they will just call it something else. At least that was overheard discussions between my father and others when he was the board sec to a Catholic hospital in the 50s.


Presidency edition
One phrase he has never uttered
How will I pay for the Doctor?


“The President-elect said that he would allow the Supreme Court’s decision on same-sex marriage to stand because “it’s law.””

So is Roe v. Wade, dipshit.


With chickens, of course.


Why would we expect the Don to know that Roe v. Wade was settled by SCOTUS 40 years ago, wasn’t that like the 70s and he was living his own personal Viet Nam?


Why didn’t I think of that? Or maybe pawn one of those gold trimmed Louis the XVI chairs that everyone has

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A real journalist would have followed up with that.


Wow: it’s clear the dignity of the Supreme Court is about to take a huge hit. Admittedly, the 2000 Election decision made them seem like a bunch of partisan hacks, but the way Trump talks about judges here makes it clear he expects them to toe exactly his line. This is combined, as usual, with an utter lack of clarity as to what his line is. It’s pretty characteristic that he can never–never–answer the most obvious next question in response to any of his statements. Trump: It’ll throw it to the states; Stahl: So you expect women to go to other states?; Trump: derp.


“There is no war on women. Women are doing well.”
— South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley, 2012


How many abortions do you think Donald Trump has paid for in his lifetime?

I mean, before he suddenly became Pro-Life this past year.


ThereIS repeaL and Replace OhBummercare. Just Jump in YouR car anD teLL your driveR to driVe to state thaT has The abortions.


DANGER ALERT: Bumpy road ahead.

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We love gays! Half of them are men, and they never get abortions. Besides it’s good that the less attractive women, whisper voice: the lesbians, have someone to love too. Love is very important in your life, no I always say that. Many people say too, but I said it first.

@benthere, what is the max font on this site? I’m too sheepish to try it out. I predict we are going to have to go bolder and bigger than ever before.

@sickneffintired, well why don’t you stupid people use your foundation to pay your bills? It’s really a simple matter, losers.


I swear to God every time this guy open his mouth I weep a little more.


I’m confused. To quote DJT on another matter: “It’s irrelevant because it was already settled. It’s law. It was settled in the Supreme Court.”


Donald, I’ll go to another state for an abortion when you go to another country. You short-sighted Idiot. And how are women on death’s bed or in a typical automobile accident going to be saved when you tell her to go to another state when every hour counts? Do Trumpsters REALLY believe this man has vision? He can’t friggin’ plan next week’s schedule for the life of him and his Kapos. This is why we all have stomachaches and headaches lately.