Discussion: Trump Says What Flynn Did 'Wasn't Wrong,' Blames Media For His Ouster

You are the one who either fired him or asked for his resignation, asswipe.


Maybe someone can sit Donnie down at bed time and tell him the story of Benedict Arnold…

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“…classified information that was given illegally”

… to Moscow, yes.

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“Donny, you’re out of your element! Dude, the Chinaman is not the issue here.”

“You have no frame of reference here, Donny. You’re like a child who wanders into the middle of a movie …”

I’ve got more if you need them. What a joke.

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trump is a
Not my President.

And let’s be clear – PeePee has every reason, beyond his anger about looking bad with this firing, to defend the man who knows just too much.

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“Benedict Arnold” was featured in “A Word A Day” yesterday.

Todays? "McCarthyism

We surely are living in interesting times.

Ya know, I wondered how the town in Canada could elect Rob Ford.

Yet now we have Trump.

The laugh is on me.


So wait a second, you are blaming the media for Flynn “misleading you” which was the reason you said you fired him yesterday?

What a bald-faced liar.

But of course someone pointed this out and asked him why then if he “Why if Flynn did nothing wrong and it was because the media was reporting ‘fake news’ did you fire him?”


Why is he even doing this? Is anyone watching? What the fuck is going on? Does he realize he’s cooking his own goose and choking his own chicken? Is the press laughing? Does he have Spicey locked in a gimp costume? Is there an orchestra to play him off? Is anyone standing by to administer a shot of propofol to get him to shut the fuck up? Mother, make it stop!


We have a truly sick man in the White House. If Intel can expose him, they will be doing the world a favor. I understand what Josh is saying in his piece about it being wrong, but given the circumstances, I just don’t agree with him. They (Intel) know more than we do, and the entire network of Intel, nationally and internationally, can’t all be bad.


Is Pence did nothing wrong, why did he lie about what he did?

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So just remember, folks, when you find out I ordered Flynn to call the Russians about the sanctions, there was absolutely nothing wrong with that, OK? Oh, and all fake news anyway, OK folks?

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The Great Orange Clown Emperor is in full-blown panic mode – he’s having a full mental break-down.


Next week, The Rosenbergs…

Acutally what he did WAS wrong, a violation of the Logan Act. Why bother with this ludicrous bluster? Who is going to believe him any more?

Christ. A democrat got a blow-job and you’d think he committed murder.

A republican colludes with a foreign government, and it’s no big deal. Nothing to see here.

They’ve gotten away with too much through the years, most recently starting a war on lies. Time to pay the piper.

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Picture Trump in an interview with the FBI about Michael Flynn saying this stuff. The FBI person is asking himself whether Trump knew (or ratified) what Flynn did, having already concluded that Flynn acted improperly or illegally and (as seems pretty likely) lied to the FBI. These statements are pretty suggestive, at the very least, that Trump tolerated conspiring with the Russians to deliberately undermine the conduct of foreign affairs by the sitting president.

Even with the mile-long list of shocking statements by this God-awful man, these statements are stand outs.

There must’ve been an audible gasp at the CIA.

“What he did wasn’t wrong, what he did in terms of the information he saw,”

Really? Follow up question fail again. He should have immediately been asked “If it wasn’t wrong, then are you prepared today to tell us that you knew he was doing it and/or that you asked him to do it?”

I swear…these fucking morons couldn’t successfully cross-examine a 4 year old whose face is covered in Oreo crumbs about who stole the cookie from the cookie jar.

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