Discussion: Trump Says US Will Have To 'Wipe' Out Puerto Rico's Debt (VIDEO)

Like all news sources, sometimes Greenwald gets it wrong, but his reporting gets it right most of the time. His axe is grinding against government secrecy and corruption. That is a good axe to sharpen, in my opinion.

Oh, I very much agree! Sorry, For the confusion.

I was thinking of them as part of the coordinated messaging chain that ends up feeding Trump his lines. One stop along the way from InfoWars to Fox News. The truth or falsehood of the assertion isn’t important in this case, just the evidence that there’s a plan behind Trump shifting 180 degrees between lunch and dinner.


Most of the time.

He’s a bomb-thrower, not a journalist.
No wonder the BernieBrats worship him.

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Although it would indeed be excellent I don’t think it’s a fair comparison between Trump and Obama. We already know that the objections the Republicans had to anything Obama are waived when the GOPpers own all three branches of government. They are hypocritical and brazen about it. Hell, the deficit is not ‘important’ anymore after shutting down the government and passing the sequester.


Were the Edward Snowden documents fake? Answer: No.

Greenwald did the world a huge service is revealing how our government has been and is spying on us and lying to us.

He gets it right most of the time, and your statement that “he gets it wrong most of the time” is simply not supported by the facts of his reporting.

And the “BernieBrats” stuff is more meaningless tripe that adds nothing to the discussion, but I suppose it makes you feel good about yourself.

Please, please please tell me what Obama was supposed to do. As I recall, the Republican House and Senate leadership met on the very night Obama was sworn in to plan their full court press of obstruction on everything, and held to their plans with a record number of Senate Filibusters and a do nothing House GOP Majority that held 50 plus Obamacare repeal votes. The US Supreme Court Insular Cases gave Congress primary power to legislate on Puerto Rico, so please, you, and anyone in Puerto Rico who made a pastime of ragging on Obama for not waving a magic wand at the Debt, please enlighten us all and tell us what Obama could have done without any cooperation from the House and the Senate.


Now is not the time to talk about Trump’s insanity.


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Snowden and Greenwald did the bidding of the Putin government—and are still doing it.

That you took personally my remark about BernieBrats shows that I was correct.

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Why would he have done anything? Obama was all-in with banksters. He supported the bailouts as a Senator running for President, and as President he did not prosecute any for the massive sub-prime loan fraud. Now he is collecting his payoff from Wall Street in the form of $400,000 speeches.

All good.

That is a deliberate lie.

As did every sensible person who didn’t want the US economy to vanish into thin air. Our economic system cannot function without banks.

Presidents don’t prosecute anyone. And before prosecutions can take place, laws have to be broken.

Another lie—the only thing you’re good at—and your constant whining about this shows clearly that you are not interested in facts.

Nope - Greenwald and Snowden did a massive public service by exposing the massive illegal spying being done on American citizens by the U.S. Government, showing that the 4th Amendment is essentially dead.

I don’t take your incessant name-calling personally; it just exposes you for what you are. I hope you feel better now that you think you have triumphed by somehow being “correct” in your name-calling.

You are such a tool that you believe—quite falsely—that you know how I feel or how I think.

You’re as full of shit as a two-hole outhouse.

Everything I wrote is factually true. Simply calling something “a lie” without any supporting facts is something that our current President does constantly. You too?

And, by the way, you should read and try to understand Article II, Section 3 of the Constitution that requires the President to “take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed.”

There was massive well-documented fraud and law-breaking in the sub-prime mortgage scam. Obama and his appointee AG Holder simply chose to ignore it, even though it cost taxpayers billions of dollars that went into the pockets of the bankers who committed the crimes! Those are all facts.

And, yes, Obama is giving speeches to Wall Street firms at $400,000 per.

You show us how you feel and think with your writing. And your insults. And your profanity. Those add nothing of value and are inappropriate to these boards.

Post is flagged.

I believe trump’s careless suggestion is to just forgive the debt, not pay it off. That’s how he runs his businesses - just walk away and leave the creditors hanging.

The value of Puerto Rican bonds plunged on the announcement.

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I would bet my life savings that trump is mentally calculating how to let the value of PR property devalue to nothing, so he can sweep up some fantastic real estate deals. get rid of the brown people and build beautiful trump-branded resorts everywhere.


I think you overestimate Trump’s brainpower…

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But first he would actually have to be sincerely interested in alternative energy and the fate of the Puerto Rican people.


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My guess would be Trump’s remarks were more generally directed at the Wall Street Banks. He hates them because they refused to do business with him and would love nothing more than to see them eat a $74B sht sandwich.

Trump’s remarks – as is almost always the case – do not mean anything at all will be done.

As others have suggested, Trump is not likely talking about a government take over of the debt. Something a Republican Congress would never do for any non-white white Southerner.

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You’re such a delicate little snowflake pompous gasbag.