Discussion: Trump Says US Will Have To 'Wipe' Out Puerto Rico's Debt (VIDEO)

Thought I would drop this here:

Ohio National Guard members head to Puerto Rico

The soldiers waited and waited and waited some more — since Sept. 23 to be exact — for the final orders that would send them off to help the hurricane-ravaged island of Puerto Rico.


To be honest, if Trump does indeed do this, I.e. get the Federal government to pay off Puerto Rico’s debt, that would be an excellent move and would take him far ahead of Obama in terms of handling PR’s debt.

That being said the problem lies with Republicans in Congress so I doubt Trump can get any traction here.


I agree with @addicted4444 that this would be an excellent move (and also that the Repugs in Congress will block all those brown people — although they might worry about them moving and resettling to the mainland and tipping some state blue…).

However, I suspect this is another big promise by Donnie Two Scoops for full PR effect, but which will never see the light of day in execution. Like his tax returns. Or Melania’s working papers documentation.


It sounds like he is going to Trump them on the debt, not pay it off.

“You know they owe a lot of money to your friends on Wall Street. We’re gonna have to wipe that out. That’s gonna have to be — you know, you can say goodbye to that. I don’t know if it’s Goldman Sachs but whoever it is, you can wave good-bye to that.”

It would be great if he actually lived up to those words. I’m not very optimistic he will.


Only if they realize how many votes Puerto Ricans will deliver to the Democrats when those citizens come to the mainland.


I mean, I’d take even that.

But like you said, I really really doubt he has even thought about what he is saying.

And frankly, before it even gets to Congress, Mnuchin is gonna be in his ear telling him why keeping the PR debt is such a great idea.


One thing he knows about: wiping out debt. His own, of course. This idea of helping anyone else is a whole new world for him.


Reports say that he is responsible for a chunk of this debt due to the failure of the branded golf resort. So the slow rescue effort is to make congress pay the debt to the banks rather than allow PR to go bankrupt. Debt is more of a concern to this guy than people’s lives.


I don’t believe this for one moment. As is always the case, Rump comes out with ANY idea that he believes will benefit Rump and garner support for him. Congress isn’t on that wavelength. Especially in light of the fact that Congress is looking to capture as much money as possible for tax cuts for the 1%.


“You know they owe a lot of money to your friends on Wall Street…"

Whose friends, Donny?


“You know they owe a lot of money to your friends on Wall Street. We’re gonna have to wipe that out. That’s gonna have to be — you know, you can say goodbye to that. I don’t know if it’s Goldman Sachs but whoever it is, you can wave good-bye to that.”

You mean Goldman Sachs or “whoever” is just going to “wave goodbye” to $74 billion?

Good luck with that.

Or is another taxpayer bail-out of Wall Street coming?


You can almost see Mnuckin and the other Goldman guys with the mouths open in a baby bird like feeding frenzy.

You can’t point out too often that Trump will say pretty much anything to please and impress the people he’s talking to at the moment. It’s all forgotten the instant he walks out of the room. If he were on an island full of Wall Street bankers he’d tell them he was thinking about reinstituting the idea of debtor’s prison. What. He. Says. Means. Nothing.


Thank God Kansa isn’t in a flood plain, they’d be under the bus next.

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Sounds like Mnuchin. Let’s see if the tea baggers oppose it on the grounds that it’s a “bailout” for Goldman Sachs or whoever.

Privatize profits,socialize losses.


Aurelius Capital Management is already suing in federal court to prevent the oversight board from wiping out some of Puerto Rico’s debt in a restructuring move:

Aurelius Capital is a true vulture fund if there ever was one. This will give you an idea of their nature:


A Trump promise means “jack squat.”


This is–not surprisingly–exactly the opposite of what the maladministration has been saying. And, of course, we know that der Furor will forget what he said in a few minutes, if he hasn’t already.