Discussion: Trump Says Nobody Likes Cruz: He's 'More Strident Than Obama' (VIDEO)

Discussion for article #245084

He’s right about nobody liking Ted Cruz but wrong about Obama. Obama never shut the government down while reading Green Eggs & Ham.

That said, I love the delicious combination of schadenfreude and irony of Trump saying nobody likes Ted Cruz.


Jeebus on a Triscuit! All this “my dick is bigger than yours” bullshit. Just get them on stage, pull out the magnifying glasses and have them drop trou.

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A campaign of accusations and insults and the GOP electorate are eating it up,as is the MSM who are A, #1 in the abetting of this farce,IMO.

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All this “my dick is bigger than yours” bullshit.

"The longer a man’s ring finger when compared with his index finger, the longer the length of his penis, according to Korean researchers."

They don’t call him the “short-fingered Vulgarian” for no reason.

This little piggy

Trump calling Cruz a liar is like Frankenstein calling Dracula a monster.


More self-awareness fail. Nobody could possibly be more strident than Derpy-D:

loud and harsh; grating.
synonyms: harsh, raucous, rough, grating, rasping, jarring, loud, shrill, screeching, piercing, ear-piercing
presenting a point of view, especially a controversial one, in an excessively and unpleasantly forceful way.

Frankly, given Obama’s dulcet speaking voice, the word doesn’t even fit him in any way.


Oh sure, the first word that comers to mind about President Obama is strident. lol

What a buffoon. And he’s leading the pack, which tells you all you need to know about the modern Republican party.


This clip of Hillary probably doesn’t belong on this thread, but there is no alternative place to post it. Josh refers to it, but no link is provided. I agree with Josh – she is pitch perfect in her response.
Here it is: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XG1Z4__B2qw


Warm, loving Republican Senators don’t like him??? Gosh, how’s that possible? Soft-spoken, caring Nurse Trump, stat!

Why dont these so called journalists call him out when he says things that are demonstrably untrue? Like the Executive Order bullshit?


The contest: Who is "The Ugliest American?"

Thank you! I was waiting for a clip of this after reading Josh’s comment.

‘More strident than Obama’? Who the heck is he talking about NOW? There are things you could say about the current President but ‘strident’ is not one. JHC this man has verbal diarrhea

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Well there is really only one real reason for blaming Obama for everything and that is they are jealous of him. Not only is he the first black president who defied all odds and kicked their collective asses not once, but twice, no matter how hard they tried to defeat him, and regardless of their complaints to the contrary, he has been a very succsssfull president. They think if they constantly put him down and blame him for everything it will make it so, true or not. It’s the old green-eyed monster thingy. That’s my theory and I am sticking to it.

There is very little respectable about Trump. However, Democrats should take notes on how effective calling a person who lies a ‘liar’ can be. Misrepresentation and half truths are the RNC’s M.O. and Democrats never ever seem to call them on it. There are millions of examples from Iraq to the economy to health care reform.

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That’s true, but then that is what sets us apart from them isn’t.

I’ve watched it twice now. It is an excellent response.

It’s NOT that Cruz lies
it’s that he’s an asshole. So trumps lying