Discussion: Trump Says NC Anti-LGBT Law Is Unnecessary, Citing Business Backlash

I’d say we should leave America the way it is – with Donald Trump far, far away from the White House.


Of course he doesn’t want a lawsuit being pursued…if the Courts say such a law is unconstitutional, then he can’t enact legislation doing this on a Federal level and his followers can’t continue their march to take us back to 1855.

Wow - I mean, are we not looking at general election Trump? This sort of thing scare me almost as much as the Hillary/Sanders campaigns trying to destroy each other - Trump will say anything to win. He’d be offering a path to citizenship by the end of the general for all we know - and what he actually does if he gets into office is anyone’s guess. The man is horrifying.


And that’s why a group going ahead with a concert was wrong–even with their little PSA at the end. The only thing that matters to the State is loss of revenue and jobs, or court rulings. Modern public protests matter about as much as internet petitions.


discriminatory in a certain way

“What can I say,” the Donald elaborated pursing his lips and waggling his eyebrows, “the fags are very loose with the cash and my people tell me they are big tippers, so unlike my old friend and lawyer Roy Cohn…”


Of course, he’ll have to backtrack when the convention plank is announced, and they show the Republican Party support for anti-LGBT laws based on the “religious freedom” canard, and also the support for repealing same-sex marriage.
You KNOW the fundies aren’t going to sit down and shut up. This may be one of their last gasps at relevance and real power in the Party and, believe me, they are not going to be quiet about it, and Trump will change his opinion so fast it will break the barrier between time and space.
The Teabagger Christianist Army of the Baby Plastic Jesus doesn’t care about “business”, Donald. They only care about making other people suffer due to their bigotry that they cloak in their religion. They would rather see the populations of their states starve to death than give up their “religious freedom” to fuck other people over that they don’t like. And you, Donald Trump, will be on your knees, sucking their balls, at the convention.


See? New York values!

I’m beginning to wonder whether this pro-Sharia, socialist, left-wing liberal was born in Kenya.


But won’t it be funny when he hits the stage of facing left to spout racist remarks, then immediately twists right to respond to himself with compassion, then left again to insult himself, then right, etc. etc.


“There’s a big move to create new bathrooms,” he said. "First of all, I think that would be discriminatory in a certain way. It would be unbelievably expensive for businesses and for the country.

Having unisex bathrooms: unbelievably expensive

Having businesses reject the State due to bigotry: very affordable

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Of course he cites the business backlash, not the painful growth as a society that finally started to result application of the founding principles of our country to the LGBT community. I said it before: The only thing these fucking people understand are CONSEQUENCES.

Think about it. Everything they do is about AVOIDING CONSEQUENCES. Faux News and the rest of the conservative propaganda machine’s 24-7 misinformation campaign? Avoiding consequences. Widespread berating and threatening of the rest of the MSM for its “liberal bias”? Avoiding consequences. The resulting neutered and fawning Fourth Estate that treats them with kid gloves, carries their water and slobs their knobs for fear of losing “access”? Avoiding consequences. The litany of voter suppression tactics they’ve employed since the election of a black man as POTUS kicked off their 8-year long white-fright race-resentment hissy fit? Avoiding consequences. Cutting Food Stamps and Unemployment Insurance made necessary by the lie of their “trickle-down” supply-side ideology and the polices and deregulation it birthed? Avoiding consequences. Refusing to admit that the exponentially expanding wealth and income gap and the resulting destruction of our economy, our democratic institutions and our nation’s solvency, literally requires using the power of taxation to “redistribute the wealth”? Avoiding consequences. Denial that current policies and regulatory frameworks have permitted economic and business and investment practices that prevent natural redistribution of wealth through normal economic processes, followed by actively preventing enactment of rules and incentives to “unlock” the flow circulation of wealth? Avoiding consequences. Coordinated construction and dissemination of myriad demonstrably contrafactual delusions that become hivemind orthodoxy to justify engaging in things like climate change denial, blaming Obama for the mess in the Middle East and rise of ISIS or convincing people of “death panels” being enacted by their fellow Americans? Avoiding consequences. Carefully building the radicalization movement that results in the creation of a political Frankenstein extremist idiocy juggernaut that slowly overtakes and turns on the party establishment, followed by threatening a rigged and contested convention to supplant the Frankenstein Messiah? Avoiding consequences.

I mean, I could go on and on and on here, but the point is this: these self-interested myopic fucks understand nothing unless there are CONSEQUENCES. Real ones, not threatened ones. Actual, existing, painful. We are not going to win their hearts and minds. We are not going to educate them into enlightenment. They must be manipulated and controlled solely by assuring that they PAY for what they do and what they preach. Anything else is just wasting time.

TL;DR: Liberals need to learn to keep our babypowder dry and our pimp hand strong.


How expensive could it be to change all the signs to one universal sign?

Maybe, “Use this room to take a Trump.”

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“leave it the way it is right now. There have been very few problems. Leave it the way it is.”

A basic principle of conservatism, expressed by a candidate whom the GOP insists is not a true conservative.


Sounds like a killer Rose Parade or 4th of July parade float…

Bull Phucky, google for restroom signs, $12 - 84 depending on how “fancy” you desire to be… and putting a new sign on the door is about all that would be necessary.

The sad thing is that neither Trump or Matt Lauer understand the “bathroom” issue or the whole law passed in North Carolina. It is not about “using any bathroom they want” it is about using a restroom that matches their affirmed gender, rather than their biological based gender. Leaving it as it is, as Trump proposed, means that trans men and women, can be at risk for assault, ridicule, shame, and possibly arrested for using a restroom opposite their affirmed gender. So now the media is framing Trumps comments as a sign of his “openness” and not commenting on Matt Lauer’s ignorance. So what else is new! Amazing how NBC/MSNBC is fast becoming the new TNN – TRUMP NEWS NETWORK.

Notice how “PC” has become a dismissive code word for any show of tolerance, fairness, consideration, kindness with the implication that anyone displaying this “PC” is hypocritical, pandering and effete.

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The only bathroom complaints I’ve heard in recent years involve white, conservative males using them to solicit sex from undercover cops.

Actually, I recall a few times that Trump made sense:

In contrast to (former) candidates Chris Christie, Jeb Bush and Marco Rubio, and Rep. Paul Ryan, who have all advocated cutting Social Security and/or Medicare benefits, Trump said he disagreed, and actually preferred strengthening those programs by getting more money into the system.

In contrast to those who said they would tear up the Iran nuclear deal on their first day in office, Trump said he would strictly, severely hold Iran to the terms of the deal since, after all, for better or worse, we have a contract.

The other day, he said he wouldn’t try to pay off the national debt at an accelerated pace if it harmed the nation’s economy.

Now, I realize this might just be campaign rhetoric, but still, he has at times ventured outside the GOP conventional wisdom.

And that’s why the social and religious conservatives are going to hit the immovable object that is Big Business this year.

They’ve served their purpose in getting Republican majorities, but are now becoming Bad.For.Business.