Discussion: Trump Says He's 'Softening' On Expanding Legal Immigration

Discussion for article #246861

Yeah Donald. Go ahead.
Try to pivot toward center BEFORE you wrap up the nomination.


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Fuckin’ A, this guy’s good. He phrases things in a way to make himself sound above the fray that he made (while Rubio is still flailing in it), and makes it non-specific enough that he can pivot away from it in any direction when the time comes. I’m amazed that he hasn’t been in politics all his life with statements like this,

AMAZING! Tonight is the night Trump lost the nomination. Not because of anything his opponents did – Trump basically took an axe to his own campaign. All he had to do was hold the line, and he would have wrapped the whole thing up in two weeks. Ridiculous.

As I said on another thread, over the past 6 months, thousands of people have said something similar and all have been proven wrong. I suspect yours will be as well.