Not. A. Frickin. Chance. that he will do this.
That’s what I’m thinking. Sekulow and Dowd are handling this, Melber said.
I predict a yu-u-uge word salad with a heaping side of bullshit. After which he will say: “Nailed it!”
ETA: (Spoiler alert: he will be wrong.)
Regardless of his professed enthusiasm for testifying under oath, I’d still serve him with a subpoena to get him down in front of the grand jury without Ty Cobb holding his hand. Donald Trump without an attorney is like a ticking time bomb.
I doubt it happens but I don’t doubt that he thinks this is a good idea and would nail it. He’s a stable genius.
Mueller does not have to except anything short of grand jury testimony. Especially after the shitty comment about Hillary at the end. Trump doesn’t seem to know who is the cat and who is the mouse. He’ll say he never said it tomorrow anyway.
I’ve made depositions in civil cases, both as an expert witness and in custody disputes. Talking to a lawyer under those circumstances is nothing to look forward to – and being a possible target of a criminal investigation would exponentiate the stress.
If Dumblefuck really is looking forward to talking to Mueller under oath, he is even stupider than I thought he was. I wasn’t sure that was possible.
He can’t sit through his daily briefings without tuning out. I realize this is way more serious, but having him in a two-hour interview?
Of course, Trump thinks he’s smarter than everyone else. He’s playing some angle.
Ok, let’s do this then! And I hope Mueller has shark week playing in the background.
Of course it’s all bluster. Even Trump can’t be this stupid…though I’ve thought that before and been wrong.
Torricelli thinks it’s going to go a lot of rounds before Trump finally testifies, which just may be in front of a grand jury. He also thinks obstruction won’t be the charge that sinks him.
We’re all looking forward to you talking to Mueller under oath, Traitor Donald.
I think he’s banking on the investigation being stopped before he can testify under oath. Or he’s going to testify and claim the 5th. Or he’s gonna change his mind…
I suppose it’s possible that Mueller interviewing Trump would not put Trump at risk.
It would seem impossible to charge somebody with perjury if they did not put together a single coherent sentence.
He will declare victory and will get to shave Mueller’s head on the live national television. Because that’s how it works in showbiz. . . Um politics.
As someone said, well, lots of someones, Mueller knows way more than any of the rest of us do, including Trump.
Always, but I think he is waiting for the events surrounding the memo to pop up as cover. Was speculating on what event they were trying to obscure in another thread, this might be the one.
Great. Now all you have to do is not lie.
Trump may be so stupid that he thinks he can outsmart Mueller. However as awful as his attorneys are somebody, somewhere in the White House will put up a roadblock to this.
Trump will claim that he agreed to an interview and then it just didn’t work out, and the media will dutifully point out somewhere along the line where a Democrat did not testify at something. The media will call that even and remind us that both sides do it
A ticking word salad time bomb. I hope they give the jury protective glasses before Trump testifies - someone could lose an eye to a flying vowel, or Trump’s spittle.