Discussion: Trump Says He 'Would Disavow' White Nationalist Robocalls Supporting Him

Discussion for article #244658

Did it take him this long to figure out he’s better say something about this or did it just take the media this long to ask him about it?

I, too, know a lot of angry people, Mr. Trump. They are angry that a buffoon like you has even a remote chance of becoming the president of this country.


Analogy: I’m running a chain of burger joints and I advertize half-price specials in selected areas. I never select certain areas. I pick the areas I like - where the people just like me live. People not like me complain, I say I feel for them and I understand their frustration. And then I move on.

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Yeah Donald…after the elevation of YOU, a reality TV star, to the highest poll numbers of a candidate running for President, nothing much shocks me either.

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Pretty tepid disavowal there, sport, kinda low energy, actually, to the point of not being a disavowal at all strictly speaking. But I know how it is, I really do. When your soul is that empty and hungry and desperate, any kind of love—love from a white supremacist who’s an apologist for Dylann Roof, say—well, it’s still love, isn’t it? You can’t reject it, not when every cheering voice helps you cling to the tattered hope that you’re not a buffoon after all, you’re not a clown, you’re not a joke.


Yet he didnt call them disgusting, or some other pejorative, or denounce their views as long as they support him, he’ll gladly take their votes


You’ve heard of an “unapologetic apology,” yes? Behold: the Trump “disavowal” that does not actually disavow. Yes, he knows he ~would~ disavow it, but it isn’t his fault (nothing is, of course), and how can you disavow racist hate - sweet, juicy racist hate…


“Knock it off, Ivanka, or I won’t want to have sex with you any more.”

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“I would disavow it.” Grammar wise, does that mean he’s actually disavowed it, or that he will disavow it later?

Either way, ‘Yeah…I’m not for it, but I do think the White Nationalists (Supremacists) have a point. All the illegal aliens and other people committing crimes against white people. I really do see their point.’



Right…just like it wasn’t him, but rather “people are saying” when it comes to the Cruz birther crap.



Ever notice how he has this way of not actually saying the thing you think he said? I’m thinking this is a learned skill, and he’s pretty adept at it. Like when he told CNN he wanted 5 million, what he actually said was a rhetorical question to the audience - “How about I tell CNN to pay me five million etc…”


Trump Says He ‘Would Disavow’ White Nationalist Robocalls Supporting Him
But you haven’t yet Donnie, have you?. Are you reluctant to? Methinks so.


Heh heh… Trump learned something? (/s)
Seriously now, you make a good point.

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Welcome to new and improved post WWII America!

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You can’t polish the end of a turd…

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He has several pillars of his personality. Outrageous, clownish narcissism is one. Being a complete and total bullshitter is another. He certainly does imply a thing about 95 percent while leaving room for what you might call implausible denial. It’s just ambiguous enough that in his own mind he can renege whenever he feels like it because he technically never agreed to anything in the first place. He’s a piece of work, that one.


Trump will “Disavow” them AFTER they vote for him.
Just like the other rubes he is counting on voting for him.

“…he said he “would disavow” the calls.”

When will he disavow his own many white supremacist statements and dissemination of erroneous crime information lifted from white nationalist websites? The problem is less the racists who support him than his own message of hate and intolerance that only encourages them.

Trump: I however encourage all white groups to continue to do so and make more noise. I want their support regardless of Political Correctness of the matter. I love their energy.