I’m sure Trump doesn’t like the idea of 3D printable guns. They’re easy to sneak past the Secret Service. Live by the gun, die by the gun, I suppose.
Of course, the NRA doesn’t like printable guns. They’re not sold by Smith & Wesson; Colt Defense; Heckler & Koch; and so on.
I guess Trump could not reach anybody in ATF (Alcohol FIREARMS Tobacco) for their opinion.
Before he checked with the NRA he probably called Maria Butina to see if she could come over to talk about it.
They morphed from a safety-oriented gun owners association to a lobbyist front for the gun manufacturers. Now they are morphing again to a political front organization for wealthy funders who (well, Russia at least) are more interested in sowing discord and destabilizing America.
Asking Smith & Wesson how they feel about the 3-D gun issue is so 1980s. The real question is, how does Putin feel about it?
“If the Trump Administration won’t keep us safe, we will.”
Actually no, you won't. There are over 300,000,000 guns in this country, and each one has a vote on the matter. Now, since citizens eligible to vote number only a bit more more than 2/3 that tally, citizens lose.
Thank you TRUMP!! consistently fixing AMERica’s problems for which YOU Are in no way responsible for causing.
Of course the NRA is against 3-D printable guns, the NRA only pretends to represent gun owners, it really is the gun manufactures lobby, something one would think a “great” businessman like Donnie would understand.
Will 3-D printers send campaign contributions? I think not.
Will 3-D printers book rooms at T-Towers? I think not.
Will 3-D printers go on F&F to kiss up? I think not.
See? They don’t make sense.
Meanwhile, can I have a job where I get paid to sit around in my jammies watching teevee? Get to work, Prez Slacker.
On second thought, since everything you touch turns to shit, just keep playing with your phone and remote.
Do we really need to do or not do things based on whether they really make sense to Trump?
3D printed guns, Russia appointed reality star president.
Crazy times.
One could argue that the right to keep and bear arms does not include the right to manufacture them.
On the other hand, this will probably spike sales if 3D printers and pump money into the (underground) economy with the opportunity for gangs and organized crime and othe entrepreneurs to print guns and sell to whomever has the cash! So much winning!
I can understand Donald not understanding 3D printing, but in news that doesn’t make sense to the rest of us;
As I understand it, there are really not that many gun owners, but each owns several, at least. Something like 8, on average. So we’re talking far fewer votes.
Donald Trump, after “looking into 3-D guns” and consulting with his Asstrologist Sean Hannitty, “Nobody knew 3-D guns could be so complicated…”
The number of American households with guns has dropped 19 percentage points from 50 percent in 1977 to 31 percent in 2014 according to the General Social Survey of the National Opinion Research Center, which has surveyed about 2,000 Americans on the same set of questions since the early 1970’s.
According to the researchers at the University of Chicago, the numbers for 2016 continue the trend.
Survey results also show that hunting as a sport has declined since 1977, when 31 percent of Americans said they or their spouse hunted. More recently, in 2014, just 15 percent said they hunted.
“Today, younger people are less likely to be brought up around guns,” says Tom Smith, researcher for the National Opinion Research Center in Chicago.
Yet despite this decline in households with guns, the sheer number of guns being produced and the number of background checks being done has risen sharply leading researchers to believe that more and more guns are becoming concentrated in the hands of fewer and fewer people.
There were 23 million background checks in 2017 compared to just 9.8 million in 2006 according to the FBI’s data on background checks requested each month. The FBI cautions these figures do not represent the number of firearms sold, since the figures also include background checks for concealed weapons. These figures also do not capture private gun sales that don’t require a background check.
Gun manufacturing has also risen sharply in the last nineteen years with 8.9 million pistols and rifles being made in the U.S., in 2016 compared to just 2.8 million in 2007 according to data from the ATF.
Researchers at Harvard and Northeastern Universities reviewed previous research as well as conducted a survey to examine the actual number of guns that gun owners have in their possession.
They found that those who own guns own an average of 4.8 firearms. But they also found that half of all guns — 130 million guns — are owned by 14 percent of gun owners or 7.6 million people. That’s 3 percent of the U.S. population.
Sorry, didn’t mean to post that entire article.
“I also don’t understand eggses,” Trump continued. “Or dachshunds. And Wookies. How can a Wookie live on Endor? It just doesn’t make any sense!”
Seems like this would be a gift to terrorists everywhere. Has anyone in the Trump Administration thought this through? Rhetorical question