Discussion: Trump Says He 'Probably Would've Spoken' To Woodward 'If He'd Called.' He Did

For some reason I didn’t get messages on it.

Those message block fairies are a meddlesome lot.


For some reason I didn’t get the messages

Yeah, you didn’t get the messages for the same reason certain papers were hidden from you so you couldn’t get yourself into trouble. Your staff purposefully didn’t give them to you for the same reason… IF you had spoken to Woodward you would be revealed to be an even bigger asshole.


Fucking idiot.


Just who is in charge down there? Talk about a ‘deep state’. Jesus.


My theory: Trump did know Woodward was trying to reach him. Graham, Kellyanne and others told Trump that Woodward was trying to reach him for comment. There was no way Trump would talk to Woodward. Trump waited to call Woodward until Trump figured that the book was already finished. This was all Trump’s strategy. Now he can say the book is all lies, Woodward never asked me for comment, Woodward is an enemy of the people, blah, blah, blah. This is just another Trump con.



That’s all I’m going to say: STABLE GENIUS.


Bob Corker spilled the beans. John Cornyn set the policy of , “We musn’t upset the President.” The WH staff carried out Big John’s policy. It’s all Woodward’s fault.


I think Woodward and publisher should jump on this and push Trump into doing as many on-the-record interviews as they can, right now.

Then they can come with a second edition of this book next year, which could include a detailed account of the Trump White House’s attempt to evade Woodward, as well as “the phone call” and what Trump said to Woodward in those interviews.


Bullshitter in Chief.
Sleazy NYC con man at work on the Transcript. As he ever was.


Addled brain or head up his ample ass…likely both.


Hard to believe how sickening the current administration IS. (e.g. Nethanyahu had some input on removing aid to Palestinian refugees - who’s in charge of US policy? http://thehill.com/policy/international/404796-netanyahu-asked-trump-admin-to-halt-funding-or-un-palestinian-refugee ) It does make both donald and Netanyahu look like twin sleezes.

If donald knew Woodard wanted to interview him, , (admits he heard from Graham) or if his staff is now taking over to protect the nation, and donald - it kind of helps prove Woodward’s point about a chaotic WH…either way – not good.

Regarding a second edition…when will the headlines, the top story of the news broadcasts, and countless articles and books NOT be about donald? Sure he’s generating a lot of money for writers and news organizations – so sick & tired of the whole crime family.

Seems his poll numbers are slipping, and seems that he is having a bit of trouble filling his rallies… When he says he wants the biggest venue in Texas for his rally for Cruz --it would be hysterically funny if he couldn’t fill the seats, wouldn’t it?

Back to your point, a first edition is bad enough, a second edition would be overkill, and some of Woodward’s stories sound just like Wolf’s. So now there is a goal to discredit Woodward, it seems to have worked for donald on others - including Comey, McCabe, even Mueller’s approval has dipped a bit, right? They (the GOP working in concert since Bill’s presidency) have discredited Hillary to a huge degree----and even sane people don’t know for sure what the ‘truth’ about Hillary is – the whole Hitlerian idea of the ‘big lie’. Most human brains are susceptible to constant repetition. One crack in Woodward’s statements could shatter the whole mirror.

Poor donald, poor us in the USA.

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Maybe Woodward will play some of the tapes for Sean Hannity.

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I guess Kellyanne Conway was so busy giving up her boss to Woodward, she forgot to relay the journalist’s invitation to interview the President.


Donald Trump to Bob Woodward- "But enough about you…lets talk about ME…and what a tremendous job I am doing…and the finely tuned machine of my administration… Kellyanne, how come you never fucking told me that Bob was trying to talk to me? "


This bit recounted in the book:

Trump called Mr. Mattis and told him that he wanted the United States to assassinate Mr. Assad. “Let’s go in,” the president said, adding a string of expletives. The defense secretary hung up and told one of his aides: “We’re not going to do any of that.”

Makes it clear the Mattis is protecting us from any attempt by Trump to use nuclear weapons. Any launch order has to be verified as legitimate by Mattis before it can be acted upon. It should be evident that Mattis will simply refuse to verify any such order.


For some time I’ve had the image of a White House that has background muzak playing the theme from Monty Python’s Flying Circus on a loop. All this does is confirm it.


The “Liberty Bell March”.


And even if he is removed, his replacement is also likely not to oblige.

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The White House is derp state, not deep state. It’s amazing what happens when your finger hits the r next door to the e.