Discussion: Trump Says He Prefers Concrete Border Wall Because It's Hardest To Climb

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“Trump, making his first trip to California as president, said Tuesday he preferred a fully concrete wall because it was the hardest to climb, but he noted that it needed to be see-through.”

See-through concrete.
Just like Trump’s head.


He’s busy raising that slush, er, campaign fund.


I expect that theoretical wall to be as durable as bread sticks.


And it matches his fucking so called brain! WTF, has he ever seen rock climbers?


“We have a lousy wall over here now, but at least it stops 90, 95 percent,” Trump said. “When we put up the real wall, we’re going to stop 99 percent. Maybe more than that.”

Hell, double the budget and coat the entire wall in TeflonÂŽ and rabid badgers. I'm sure doing that would stop 103% of illegal border crossings.

This is the engineering genius who wanted marble sinks in his Trump Airlines fleet until they told him marble was a little too heavy to be ideal for aircraft use. So yeah, see-through concrete, we’ll get right on that, boss.


Someone tell him there’s an invisible force field up that’s set to let only American DNA pass through it.


Easy fix.


I would laugh but people actually vote for him.


I was going to comment on how once again he comes off like a 12 year old in the sophistication of this thought - just throw percents out there, share a day dream and talk oneself into the idea of ‘someday we’ll have a space force…’ our simpleton dotard president ‘at work’. But then I read the last paragraph. And remembered when he projected that had he been the school safety officer he would have run in and saved those kids at Parkland - even if he didn’t have a weapon.

Trump told reporters then that he was putting himself “in great danger” by coming to the border. But, he said, “I have to do it. I love this country.”

uhm - this is what he considers great danger - surrounded by secret service agents, and amidst a crowd of law enforcement (or military a little later) - but - nearby… protesters! ~eyes are rolling~


Bloviating, bellicose blowhard blows!


“We have a lousy wall over here now, but at least it stops 90, 95 percent,” Trump said. “When we put up the real wall, we’re going to stop 99 percent. Maybe more than that.”

Trump concedes we have a security system in place now that stops 95% of illegal border crossings. Yet he wants to spend billions and billions more to achieve another 4% margin to get to 99%? ANY government program with a 95% rate of success is doing well enough it doesn't need massive injections of money.
Will any journalist pose this question to Trump, framed as I did? Ummm, nah.

Trump told reporters then that he was putting himself “in great danger” by coming to the border.

He was in terrible danger of actually hearing Spanish spoken.
He was in even worse danger of being mooned along his route.
But brave little Cadet Bone Spurs screwed his porn star, er, courage to the sticking point.


The Berlin Wall had guard towers & machine guns. That people still found ways to cross. So 99% is a pipe dream.


Referencing his 2016 campaign showdown against Hillary Clinton — she
received 4 million more votes than Trump in California — the president
vowed that “very soon we’re going to Mars” and the nation would not be
seeking to explore the red planet had his opponent won.

  1. The election was 17 months ago.
  2. The only way an American is going to Mars is if SpaceX provides the ride, the infrastructure, the refueling on Mars, and the ride home.

I know, two minor issues in a torrent of insanity, but dumb ass statements like that are an itch that I have to scratch.


“The real wall.”

He should bash his head against the current wall to test how fake it is.

All this talk about the wall, it couldn’t be a distraction from the KAOS now could it?


Transparent aluminum. It’s the only way to go.


Maybe the best deterrent will end up being U.S. living conditions becoming increasingly intolerent and inhospitable due to GOP rule. I know if I didn’t live here already I sure as hell wouldn’t be clamoring to get in.


A row of signs “No Healthcare here, Abandon hope all ye who enter here” should suffice,