Discussion: Trump Says He Buys Saudi Explanation That Khashoggi Died In A 'Fistfight'

When additional facts say that the 15 to 1 fight only turned deadly when Khashoggi pulled a pen knife from his pocket Trump will use that as his main justification for believing the Saudis.


I know I am jaded, but I cannot discern even one positive trait in Trump. One could say he “loves his family,” but it seems even they are mere props in his self-aggrandizement. He is truly a pathetic, sick person.


Now the Saudis are saying the journalist was killed with a chokehold and the body of Khashoggi was smuggled out rolled up in a rug, and given to a “local cooperator” for disposal. Gee, I guess it IS possible to find good help these days!

You’re not jaded. You’re just awake.


Next the Saudis will say Khashoggi died of a heart attack due to downing 25 tequila shooters in 7 minutes while playing a really intense game of Naked Twister.


I don’t find him pathetic, I find him odious. He may well be sick, too, but his odious qualities overwhelm any empathy or sympathy that his illness would ignite in me. I hate the man. Period. He has no business being in the White House.


Omg… I just had a vision of Fat Nixon going that way…

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Sorry, no. Stupid is as stupid does as stupid sees as stupid is. Follow the stupid.

They’re stuck at stupid.

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Man you the Oscar for best comment of the year!!!

Who knew - Khashoggi suffered from brittle bone disease??

Okey dokey. I’m sure you’re right, as the autopsy will reveal.
Oh. Never mind.

Donnie’s vision of MAGA:
Coddle dictatorial leaders of foreign regimes, but treat non-fawning Americans – including members of the news media – as enemies of the state.


The 24/7 blather reporting continues by the main stream media…Are they unwittingly aiding and abetting this psychotic monster? I say so.

Trump knows the business model of the media, and without guile, he’s stated loudly that the media can’t help themselves but promote him…

The spiraling downward of this great democracy is happening before our eyes:
See Trump’s approval inching up?
See the prominence of the Proud Boys with bull horns?
See the Tribal Judiciary now setting in place?
See the tribal administrative apparatchiks, in both federal and states pushing Trump agenda?

***…and on and on it goes…***.


Trump Says He Buys Saudi Explanation That Khashoggi Died In A ‘Fistfight’

The Conman gaslighting?
Is it necessary to repeat the back and forth musings of this vile president?

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If he died in a fist fight the body should be available for examination and autopsy, right?


Erdogan will be using the recordings to blackmail the Saudis six ways from Sunday.

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Nope. The denial is in full force. The cultists will believe whatever trump says, even as it changes from day to day. The RWNJ media has already begun to smear Khashoggi as a radical Muslim terrorist who dared to criticize the trump regime.

It seems likely that some who were wobbly on trump support may now finally turn away in disgust, but for many, their tolerance for trump’s low character, piggishness and crimes seems to expand with every new revelation. The evangelicals are making excuses too, waving away the torture and killing in order to keep up the fiction of the $110B arms deal. So very Christian.


It would seem they’ve got enough versions to fill a volume of 1001 Arabian nights.


Thank you, thank you, thank you for the warning. I’m probably one of the most squeamish people you’ll ever meet – with a phobia of knives, in particular.

I had to “watch” the last scene in “The Piano” with my eyes closed and my fingers in my ears. Even so, my knees buckled as I was exiting the theater, and my sister and the usher had to prop me up to get me out of there! LOL!

I typically read articles that TPM commenters link to, so I can’t say thank you enough for warning me away!