Nope. This won’t do. Rump’s purpose is to sign legislation that the GOP wants then go back to attacking celebrities on Twitter. Ryan et al. are not happy today.
For the GOP, this won’t do.
Wink, wink.
(And its not like the office would investigate his ethics. If he had any.)
Moar Gaslightz!![1]
[1]In Russian, газовое освещение
I thought their first act was to gut the ACA? They had to disband the Ethics Office so they could lie about this and think nobody would notice either action? The Nazis’ first action after taking over in Germany was to gut their Ethics Office, too?
Ryan is busy kissing Putin’s ass today.
I hope Speaker Ryan is steeling himself for when Trump actually chucks him under the bus, rather than this Brooks and Korman act.
Bannon told him to say that. Or Bannon’s female counterpart, Kellyanne.
Hell, Donnie, they’re just following your sleazy pond scum personality.
Disengenuous. Trump has no ethics, so GOPers say, “me too”
An aside, but is it my imagination or does Melania always seem to be leaning away from Drumpf? Almost like she needs 18 inches distance. Maybe he has horrendous bad breath?
the NYT lede leeds (they’re all intended)me to believe tRump has already thrown them under the bus. After reading the twits I think it’s a minivan.
Trump called the OCE “unfair,” but questioned its prioritization compared to “tax reform, healthcare, and so many other things of far greater importance.”
Tax reform. Yes, that certainly is a priority. As he told the rick kids that night at dinner after winning the election, he’s going to cut their taxes.
Even fool Trump knows this looks bad.
Sadly compared to the nut cakes in the GOP Congress, Trump could turn out looking like the sane one
I fear this is a prelude to some sort of modern day GOP equivalent of Hitler’s Enabling Act of 1933. Remove the watchdog, then consolidate the party’s power.
Bad things are coming.
Complain to your GOP congressman before today’s vote. Call and raise some hell. My GOP loon in NJ named LANCE REFUSED to tell me how he voted in yesterday’s secret vote. His local and Wash. office claimed they didn’t know.
But Trump didn’t say DON’T do it. Let’s be clear.
But gutting the OCE is so much easier than that real legislation stuff. And, you know, makes us feel kind of dirty that we can do all those naughty things in secret again.
Is it bad that I’m laughing my ass off ? ? —