Discussion for article #240324
Red: Fire Truck :: Infantile: (_______)
A. Ben Carson;
B. Donald Trump;
C. The MSM;
D. All the above.
Funny, there are many, many doctors doing revolutionary work across a vast array of fields, yet nobody lauds there work as an overwhelming qualification to be President of the United States. I wonder why that is…
looks like trump’s implosion is underway… with his comments about fiorina and now carson (who is beloved among the base), i suspect this aspect of his campaign is losing its appeal.
Carson took the same rise to fame as Joe the (unlicensed) Plumber. Say something to the President that looks like you are “standing up to him” and you immediately are qualified for public office.
OK’ed by Donald Trump…we’re ALL going to sleep so much better tonight…LOL
Mr. Trump said his experience at the New York Military Academy, . . ., gave him “more training medically than a lot of the guys that go into medical school.” “I dissected a frog once so I think I know what being a doctor feels like.”
I don’t think Carson should be president, and I don’t think he will be. But he was one of the greatest surgeons this country has ever produced. Parents with children that had critical surgical needs lined up around the block at Johns Hopkins hoping that they could get Carson to take care of their child. So, it is particularly odious that Donald Trump - born to great wealth and with no significant personal accomplishment - should denigrate Dr. Carson 's career and skills. Racism, pure and simple.
Hah. Yeah, he’s an “OK Doctor”. Hell, tRump could do that shit with a butter knife, sterilized of course…Just ask him.
I was at Hopkins when he did the surgery and it was pretty damn good. That in no way means he would be a good President. But what makes Trump an expert in judging surgical expertise?
Trump’s only an OK billionaire. #136 on the Forbes 400. That means there are 135 better in the US alone.
Trump then added, “Because no way in hell will we have two black guys in a row!”
That us just Trump’s way. Engage in personal attacks and attempt to denigrate the accomplishes of the other candidates. It has worked so far, but unlike the others Carson has about an 80% approval rate among Republicans and that is across all elements Moderates, Conservative, Tea Party etc…
Trump says he only hits back when he gets hit. Why then the misogynistic comments about Carly Fiorina’s face? And calling Dr Ben an “OK” doctor? Those, to any normal person, are undeserved insults. Dispute them on policy Donnie, not their appearance or medical prowess which are irrelevant to the argument.
I suppose Trump thinks he is by far the best looking candidate and could trounce Dr Ben in any medical setting cuz his skills are “fantastic” He’d be able to negotiate that cancer gone!! He’d have his managers right on it!! It’s be YUUUUGE!! All over the papers y’see.
Yuuuge… is anybody listening??, poor widdleTrump.
Trump: “So? He separated conjoined twins…I separated lots of people from their money for a YOOOOOGE’ profit. Capitalism is what we need, not low energy quacks! Who would you rather have as president? And I’m a better Christian; I give more to my church.”
Hot damn! There is nothing more fun that watching ***Bagger on Bagger v***iolence! lmao
Throwdown in Baggerland! Pass the popcorn.
Trump knows a lot of Jebs from his world, and knows how to get at them. He will figure out Fiorina, too.
Trump doesn’t understand Carson, though. The “Trump the Insult Comic Pol” approach isn’t going to work.
Wonder why The Donald is polling higher among the TEAlivangelicals than Carson? What could it be?
Trump’s just pointing out the obvious about Carson and Fiorina.
Is he a great Dr., no but he’s a rich white guy, he can be just good or even mediocre in whatever he does. Black guys on the other hand have to be the very best in their field to succeed.
Is he great looking, no but he doesn’t have to be he’s a rich white guy. Fiorina on the other hand is a woman and they have to be very good looking to succeed.
This is proven in the US everyday.
Trump sold a Manhattan condo to a Chinese doctor once. $42 million! Now THAT guy was a great doctor!
I wouldn’t say it’s Mr. Trump’s racism that spurred his comment. It’s more like jealousy wrapped in stupidity, but I can’t glean anything racist about it.