Discussion: Trump Says AG Lynch Accepted Bribe From Hilary Clinton

New Reuters poll out tonight.

Clinton expands lead over Trump to 13 points: Reuters/Ipsos poll


please sir. could i have more?


yeah. but its got that child safety crap on it.

Yeah, plus a whole hour of Lawrence O’Donnell sneering at Hillary with a LOT of CONCERN for what “all this means” for Hillary!


Is there a point where they call off the election altogether and declare a winner?


It doesn’t have to be said but … he knows of which he speaks.

In Donald’s world, why base your political commentaries and personal attacks on actual facts when relying on baseless supposition and inflammatory innuendo is so much easier?


don’t let him off the hook. final, total humiliation is required. he needs to pay.


Oh come on …

How would you feel if your ONLY shot at the Presidency was suddenly yanked out from under you like a muslim prayer rug ? ? —

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Just another Tuesday in Trump’s America.


you need to remove “the inherent logic of”. nobody on this site will know what you are talking about.

Of course, they are treating this as being Very Serious. CNN needs the ratings.

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The cable media’s treatment of this announcement is enough to make one gag. Truth is no longer important – just keep the crazy going. The more outrageous the lie the better.


It’s some fine strategery…


Gawd…I’m glad I missed that! It has been an incredibly tiresome day what with all the orange one’s declarations of wrong doing on Hillary’s part. If anyone is familiar with the art of lying, bribery, carelessness, etc. it is the Orange Menace.


But, but Ipsos is French… So to unskew we add 20% to Trump and subtract 10% from HRC…


Be interesting to know what Trump really thinks about the American Revolution:

I gotta tell you. Not gonna let political correctness stop me. I read that Declaration of Infependence and I gotta say. That King George? Much too soft. No idea how to deal with terrorists. No,idea at all. Soft, really soft. Sad.


Quite honestly I am so confused about this whole election cycle. The MSM (as I read about what they are reporting) glosses over clear violations of law by the Trump campaign i.e his email solicitations to non US citizens and yet they plummel Clinton for being exonerated in the fake email scandal. Now Trump praises SH as a great murderer of so called “terroists” and things are bad for Clinton because the President campaigned with her today. And Paul Ryan just announced the GOP is going to hold hearing or have another committee to investigate the FBI’s decision not to recommend prosecution.
For those of us who like HRC and support her - I really don’t know how she does it. I am not that strong. I would just walk out and say “the hell with this I will go back to making speeches and babysitting for my grandchildren.”


And lowly scum like white male Republican FBI directors don’t count,either.

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Since this is spoken it’s slander and since it goes to the morals of the object of the slander it’s slander per se which only goes to the availability of specific damages e.g. loss of job prospect, business etc. Defamation prima facie case: 1) defamatory language by defendant D; 2) of or concerning P specifically; 3) publication to 3rd person who understands it; 4) proven damage to plaintiff’s reputation for slander; 5) intent to publish. Since this regards a public figure and a public matter, also required are 6) falseness of D’s statement, and 7) fault by D (here malice by D since P is a public figure). Malice is knowledge of falseness of the statement or reckless disregard for the truth or falsity of the statement. See NY Times v. Sullivan, Supreme Court case on defaming a public figure, likely in Wikipedia.