Discussion: Trump Says AG Lynch Accepted Bribe From Hilary Clinton

Drugs? And deaden the experience? Not a chance!


ā€œNever, never, never, never, never give up.ā€
ā€” Sir Winston Churchill, in a commencement address.

I see ā€˜drunk uncleā€™ Trump got into the liquor cabinet again.


Drumpf claims he never drinks; Roy Cohn was never a coke whore.

yeah. but when they are trying to go sleep, all of them are keeping one eye open watching christie, thinking he sure looks famished. the fire dimsā€¦

He doesnā€™t know when to quit, does he?
He had a semi good distraction from his anti-Semetic tweet by talking about Hillaryā€™s email non-indictment. And the Lynch/Clinton meeting had the right wing nuts and the ā€œliberalā€ media clutching their pearls.
And then he has to go and open his mouth with this RIDICULOUS, over-the-top accusation. Plus him giving Saddaam Hussein a tongue bath.
This guy is a loose cannon. I shudder to think of him having the nuclear codes or the command of the military. Heā€™s fucking nuts.



Late to this party, but if I understand the inherent logic of Trumpā€™s claim, the FBI directorā€™s performance today was the fruit of this purported bribery? Oh, my.


This is part and parcel of Donnieā€™s case for why he lost 2016ā€¦ because nothing ā€“ nothing ā€“ can ever be laid at his feet.

My sincere hope is that two things happen in November: Hillary wins decisively and Trump & his scions are forever relegated to the ash-heap of history.


I feel very sorry for the parents of kids who are learning about civics and presidential elections at this point in time - this cycle is an absolute disgrace. Between Trump and the media, it makes me almost long for the Palin days or the typical ā€œitā€™s all Obamaā€™s fault!ā€ 'bagger rallying cries.

I said almostā€¦


So many years of knowledge (science) condensed into 45 minutes.

Itā€™s enough to make people have hope!

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Very inconsiderate for Drumpf to have his melt down during Wimbledon. I can only watch one entertainment at a time.


youā€™re just being kind. now i got a real grudge with this lunatic. he seems to want to roll in the dirt with the tyrant types, doesnā€™t he? and libel and slander donā€™t seem to cross his poor excuse of a mind. he rants and he raves and then he doubles down.

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rotflmao! The Donald proves once again that the bottom of the barrel is no barrier for him! On down he goes.

Calling Trump "Sht for Brains" is an insult to sht. Still, it works, because every word that comes out of his mouth makes him sound like a YOOOGEā€™ asshole.

#Trumpā€™s last cranial scan:


Lynch is doing a great job. But Iā€™ll be shocked if she retains Comey.

And, btw, so much for that ā€œuncharacteristic statement by Trumpā€ article. Never fear, the real Donald always comes out. Heā€™d be the worldā€™s worst closeted gay man.

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Reckless disregard for the truth. NY Times v. Sullivan


Comey was nominated to a 10 year term, beginning in 2013. Heā€™ll be there until 2023.


A real estate tycoon like Trump wouldnā€™t know anything about bribes, would he?


Thanks. That could be a tough relationship.

Love Dolly Partonā€™s post after it was reported she had endorsed Clinton.

Dolly Parton
7 hours ago.
This morning while I was watching the news I saw many reports that I had endorsed Hillary Clinton. My comment about supporting a woman in the White House was taken out of context. I have not endorsed Hillary Clinton nor Donald Trump. I try not to get political but if I am, I might as well just run myself 'cause Iā€™ve got the hair for it, itā€™s huge, and they could always use more boobs in the race. But seriously, I have not decided who Iā€™m voting for, but no matter what weā€™re gonna be suffering from PMS, Presidential Mood Swings.