Discussion: Trump: Saudi Prince 'Totally Denied' Knowledge Of Khashoggi Disappearance

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I think inspector stable genius already has his answer.

Is that dot of cold cream on his nose?

BTW the news from Tweeterville is that based on arrival and departure times, Pompeo talked to MBS for about 15 minutes. Just in case there’s any illusion that this kabuki means anything. :smile: SOB got on a plane at our expense and flew to Saudi Arabia to talk to this murdering bastard for 15 minutes and then got on his plane and flew back. Unbelievable.


If the Saudis are found to be guilty then the U.S. will need to put sanctions on the Saudis thus the oil. The Saudis, of course, like The sanctions on Iran because it will raise oil prices for the Saudis. Having Sanctions on Iran and the Saudis oil will be too much for the world to accept. Trumps whole thing on Iran blows up as well as his lucrative personal deal with the Saudies.
The sanctions against Iran is Trump paying off the Saudis for his personal deals with them.

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Not duped
Lying Con
Stupid lying con who thinks people will actually take a bite of the shit sandwich he’s offering

You mean he didn’t even get breakfast, lunch, or dinner?!

(although Mikey looks like he should skip a meal or two)


Well after seeing what happened to Khashoogi I wonder if Pompeo had Trump put a Seal Team 6 on his plane. Did he even disembark? Would his plane be consider US soil? Did they talk on the tarmac or in a hanger?
All these little details would make the story interesting.

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Oh, FFS! This only passes one smell test, the stench of bullshit. Are there no security cameras in the Consulate? Are we to believe that, assuming they didn’t know and/or authorize this murderous fiasco, that they couldn’t have figured out exactly what happened in a few hours? People don’t wander aimlessly around hallways of a consulate. It’s not like he got lost and fell down a stairwell looking for the toilet.


Also, I had the displeasure listening to Doris Kearns Goodwin (on with Nicolle) claim that the reason Kavanaugh was confirmed was because Trump was able to tell a story successfully, and the Democrats didn’t have a story.

Oh, really, Doris? It had nothing to do with the fact that the republicans control the Senate, did it. Good grief.

She also announced that if the republicans do well in November, it will be the fault of the democrats, because they don’t tell fairy tales stories.

The MSM is doing its usual “look over there.” They’re not covering the dems around the country out there working their asses off. That’s too boring, apparently.


A perfect example. Recall some time after the Access Hollywood tape, there was a report that Trump was suggesting to WH staff that the voice on the tape didn’t sound like him.


I’m pretty sure I called this last week.


I can’t wait for the explanation of why there’s no body to autopsy or bury.


Think you’re right. And then espoused long enough and term limits as reasons for quitting, so to keep her political options open. She is connected to every dept. She knew of the murder

The truth simply doesn’t matter for Trump in these situations. Trump will stick by his friends and loyal allies in their malfeasance as long as they continue to deny and deflect no matter the evidence or pure obviousness of their crimes.

I quite like her, but she’s dead wrong on this and simply parroting MSM conventional wisdom. Last week, the Dems in disarray narrative was about the Kavanaugh backlash. And now it’s about our ability to tell stories. If Dems take the House and Senate, I swear the new narrative will be, “Do Democrats have too much power?”


I like your take, I also think it’s worth noting how frequently his personal relationship with someone serves as a key marker. If the person has stroked his ego and he thinks they’re best buds, he is far more likely to believe anything they say. And if he believes something, no matter how wacko, the person saying it is smart and talks good and stuff like that.
Everything reduces down to the personal. And the personal is all about how it makes him feel.
Essentially, we are being governed by a narcissistic and impaired person who doesn’t have the capacity to understand nuance (or possibly anything) or to plan for anything in the long term. No context. No knowledge. No empathy. No morals. No perspective. I’d like to say No Way, but here we are.


He followed up with a tweet declaring he has no “interests” in Saudi Arabia (or Russia). Within an hour, Fox News Research tweeted info poking some pretty big holes in that story… NOTE THE LAST LINE ITEM from 2017.

Emoluments much, Mr. President?

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I think it’s actually even sicker than that. I just don’t think he cares one way or the other whether the person denying the charges actually did it or not. If he’d been shown video of Roy Moore molesting a young woman he still would’ve supported him because Roy Moore winning was something that would have been good for him. It would’ve been a “win” for PP. That’s one of the things that I think terrifies McConnell about Dems taking back the Senate. PP is almost guaranteed to sign Dem legislation not because he agrees or disagrees with it, but because it’s something he can personally call a win.


Every question to trump should be “and you believed him?”

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Sorry donnie you are behind the curve. The Saudis admit Khashoggi was killed in the embassy. The Turks say so as well. The evidence the Turks have says so. You are the one still in denial.