Since it’s Masada (revolt of the Maccabees), perhaps if this was played for him, he’d reconsider.
Taking out Josh’s Trump Razor - Dolt45 is scared of heights and doesn’t want to ride the cable car.
Full disclosure - I only went to the first floor of the Eiffel Tower - I may have claimed I was just being frugal and the view was better at the lower floor, but truth was I was a bit leery of a 100+ year old structure and its exposed-to-the-elements elevator.
That’s how I feel about really high structures! (I don’t mind flying.) The fact that it hasn’t fallen down in 100+ years and is regularly inspected by engineers and is visited by hundreds or thousands daily without any problem doesn’t mean it couldn’t just happen to pick the exact moment I’m on it to decide to fall down. I’m glad to find one other person in the world who seems to grasp this simple, obvious safety rule.
Trump also hopes to host the Miss Universe pageant at Auschwitz, the Hiroshima Memorial, and My Lai.
We’ll see—it would be human nature for his crowd to melt away when things get rocky. But he seems to inspire loyalty, maybe because his crowd are slow learners. Another fun human nature science fact is that humans often have trouble getting pretty obvious stuff through their heads when they’d prefer to think otherwise.
I am sure Israelis are fine doing without Trump’s desecrating presence.
If you take a logic class, the first thing they deal with is that “The Test of Time” is crap.
I climbed Masada when I was 12, and it must have been 110 degrees. The soldier at the bottom would not even let my 9 year old brother climb under those conditions. He made us carry a gallon of water. Mind you I was not a lard ass President.
OT but I have been thinking about dementia possibility. If true, it significantly diminishes his responsibility for his recent actions (he is still responsible for his actions as a private person preceding conjectured dementia). But it significantly increases responsibility of his associates, any politician who supported him, and his voters for the damage to the country.
Before reading the full article I figured he probably nixed it because some walking would be involved.
Former President Bill Clinton had an even more arduous trek to the summit, according to Campbell: “He came up with the old cable car and walked up 100 steps.”
But don’t forget; preelection Trump would be the bestest most fittest president EVAH
The siege and mass suicide were not part of the Maccabees’ rebellion. They rebelled against Antiochus Epiphanes, a Greek not a Roman. The site was a fortress then, but the famously extreme event that makes the place holy/horrible was later. The mass suicide was when the Romans were besieging Masada- which was after the rebellion in 70CE that included the destruction of the temple, and of Jerusalem itself.
That said, I love Handel. =)
No that was the old cable car. The new cable car does not require walking up steps like that.
Shoot, why can’t it be both. That seems most likely to me. His fat, lazy ass didn’t want to have to expend too much effort especially if he was going to have to ride the cable car like everybody else. Lazy, arrogant, and vain are kind of the PP total package.
Trump also hopes to host the Miss Universe pageant at Auschwitz,
Arbeit Macht Brüste
That would cut down on the press making the, sort of, daily Spicer Show.
Did anyone see how Trump walks. He walks like he is weak, low energy, dull and flaccid. I cannot believe Bibi wants him to walk up 100 steps. He holds on to railings on handicap ramps.
As a patriotic American, I am offended that Bibi cares more for the antiquities and is more concerned for the dust from the Trump helicopter propellers than he does for our great preshitident who won the electoral college and had huge crowds at the inauguration. Besides, did Bibi not know that preshitident Trump’s daughter is Jewish? So is Trump’s Supreme Commander Cuck Kushner. This is an insult that requires a fitting Twitter rant.
No other Preshitident in America’s history has been treated so poorly.
zzzz save this for a really slow news day.
I don’t know … I think he’s lost a lot of his base who are very proud and would not admit it to anyone under any circumstances. It’s WEAK to admit a mistake and even more lame to learn from it apparently.
Oh, shit.
Oh, shit!
He’s gonna joke about how persecuted he is at Yad Vashem.
Seriously, whoever feeds him his pills: if he does this, cut his fucking mic. America beseeches you.
I’ve been schooling a number of ‘True Patriots’ in the basics of logic. Almost entirely concerning fallacies as they excel in that subject.
Got some lovely gnoratio elenchi work in this morning.