First few hours of his international trip and he’s already making errors.
Even after the dumbest two years in the history of the Republic, he has not lost the ability to make me say “holy shit!”
After seeing what happened to his buddy Ailes today, I’m guessing he’ll be taking the physical exertion easy for the next few years.
And stamp TRUMP on them and try to hawk them for a giant profit.
He’s going to threaten his staff, he’s going to yell, is going to fire, he will huff and he’lll puff!!
I visited Masada a couple of months after the Jonestown disaster. I couldn’t really see the difference, but Israelis consider them to be heroes.
This is the key. He’s still laboring under the illusion that being elected President is like winning the Miss Universe pageant, and that the job involves riding around in fancy limos (the gaudier the better) and making personal appearances.
I’m under siege like never before folks. No one has ever been treated as viciously or been under siege like me…ever, at anytime in history.
Low energy. No stamina. #Sad
Trump and tourism go together like oil & water. Wait…did you say oil?
Just another day in doofus-ville. Nothing went right, well, or even competently. Live and learn America. It’s a wonder this clown can remember to breathe.
One has to offer a special thanks to all the morons who voted for him…
Is he looking for a site to build a new Trump/Kushner Tower?
…as well as ordering your minions to make America great again.
They could just boot his fat ass out from high enough up …
(parachute optional) —
Melancholy probably hates to wear her glasses, so, well perhaps she needs them to see that part of little Donnie. (He goes by “little” for multiple reasons.)
Or they could tell him about “The Google”,35.3422863,223a,35y,67.81h,78.17t/data=!3m1!1e3
In a few more months there will be no one “who voted for him”, based on interviews with millions of folks in the states he won.