Discussion: Trump’s Health Secretary Nom Sought Special Treatment for Industry Donors

How very…SWAMPY.


A corrupt nominee from the Swindler in Chief? Unpossible.

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“Perhaps we need a GoFundMe to purchase our own members of congress…”

Great idea. But why stop with one? They can be bought so cheap, I bet we could raise enough to buy a dozen. Or more!


Hey, doctors can be whores too!!


If you hang around Trump, you’re dirtier than dirt.

By definition.

He’s an orthopedic surgeon? We’re fucked.

I have yet to meet one who wasn’t a full out ratwing cray cray.


I’m shocked…really this time I am…I swear I am…


Yup! That’s why I wrote "members"

I’ll keep a look out for coupons - I’m sure they run a two-fer from time to time…


"He has won significant campaign support over the years from drug firms…"

Nuff said.


Price is a hypocrite. He knows full well that Obamacare has helped foster millions of doctor/patient relationships that didn’t exist before the ACA was enacted. If he truly entered politics to fight government meddling in health care, he must be shadowboxing.


Q: What do you call a doctor who graduates last in his class? A: A doctor.

Sounds like “Pay to Play” to me. Oh Donald… they’re playing your song!

“Lock him up… Lock him up!”

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But of course! The swamp has always been Pay to Play and Payola.

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Which was why Trump making the constant accusations, mostly unfounded, against the Clintons was so outlandish. He’s been a big player in it all along. But his sheeple bought every word of his outrage at the mere prospect.

The swamp will continue to feed itself just as it always has, but now with people who don’t even seem to care about the “appearance of conflicts” as in the past. They are right out front with it daring anyone to challenge their right to do so.

And funny how he and the folks in his Party who falsely accused Planned Parenthood of “harvesting baby parts,” are such moral relativists when it comes to championing MiMedx, a company in his district that traffics in “discarded placentas and amniotic fluid,” against rightful FDA regulation.

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That’s the kind of thing that came to my mind as well. Sacred, my ass. Looks like that’s the case only when it benefits him financially.

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