Discussion: Trump’s Company Ramps Up Purge Of Undocumented Workers From Golf Clubs

Thank the stars all them white folk is lining up for the highly paid housekeeping, kitchen, and landscaping jobs that have been freed up…


Trump Willfully Allowed Thugs and Murders To Work At His Golf Clubs For Years. Flails In Rough To Find Explanation.


It’s ok, the positions will be filled by Russians on L1 visas. (The L1 lets the foreigner work in the US at pay levels appropriate for their home country.)


Both the TPM and WaPo article fail to mention the active investigation by the NJ AG into immigration fraud at the Bedminster golf course: https://www.northjersey.com/story/news/new-jersey/2018/12/14/nj-attorney-general-investigating-trumps-national-golf-club-report/2313632002/


So busted!

It will be interesting to see how the tRump Criminal Enterprise accounted for federal tax withholdings on those workers, work schedules, pay records, etc. and where they hid those second set of books. Lots of years to account for with many of those workers, probably going back decades.

I’m sure someone is already onto that.

Another assignment for Team Mueller.


If we can’t get Donnie jailed one way…

What’s amazing is Dotard has been publicly hating on immigrants for 3+ years now. It only just occurred to him to clean his own house? How does this moron function that he can’t connect his own words to himself for 3 goddamn years?

tRumpism 101: Do as I say, not as I do, because I don’t do the things they say I do, even if they say they have proof, because they’re just Fake News. Witch Hunt!!! Squirrel.

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It figures.

Half of Trump Org. workers are under the table.
Half the Trump administration is under indictment.

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So the ‘company’ doesn’t get fined or charged with anything for knowing hiring undocumented workers? I thought it was illegal?

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Thanks. I had been confused by the lack of any mention of charges of any kind being brought against the company for knowingly hiring undocumented workers.

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He figured the juniors, Beavis and Butthead, had it covered.

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Russian Spy, Bankrupt soi dissant buisinessman, serial adulterer, liar, cheapskate, cheater, racist, mysogynist, vain, coke guzzling idiot says
“Let’s fire my illegal workers because that will make me look bad.”

Because when you sold your country’s honor to the enemy, nobody cares that you nicked a candybar from the corner grocery.

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Rump Spokesrectum Harry Balzac, of the PR firm Johnson, Balzac and Taint, said, “We just realized: our decades-long, hypocritical, illegal labor practices, might be more embarrassing than usual at this moment.”

He’s gotten away with it forever. For a foreign intelligence agency wanting to plant some of its agents into the most private living and working quarters of a presidential hopeful, candidate, and then office holder himself, having an organization that not only tolerates but that actively encourages fake documentation is a win, win, win.


Funnily enough , Doofus didnt know they were undocumented - he wasnt officially told .

It’s pretty easy to fire undocumented workers when you’re the one who got them their fake documents.