Discussion: Trump Revokes Obama-Era Rule For Reporting Civilians Killed In Intel Ops

That’s some next level doublespeak right there.


Trump’s action eliminates “superfluous” reporting requirements that don’t “improve government transparency, but rather distract our intelligence professionals from their primary mission.”



“…distract our intelligence professionals from their primary mission.”


Concern for civilian casualties should not compromise execution of the mission.


It seems we continue to devolve as a country.


If they are intelligence Ops that Top Secret Agent Kushner was involved with, the collateral damage to civilians could be bigly yuge.

Best hide 'em…


If a dozen Syrian citizens die in a forest, and no one hears it, did it really happen?


Because there is nothing that fires up the knuckle-dragger base than killing dark skinned civilians across the world.

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Well, this is just the another step in authoritarian government.

In 2010, President Obama began extrajudicial killings of people on the “Kill List,” formally known as the “Disposition Matrix.” But he was the greatest President ever, so that doesn’t count.

I wonder who is on Trump’s Disposition Matrix?

No democracy, no justice.

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“I don’t know why they’re being coy,” said Steven Aftergood, a government secrecy expert at the private Federation of American Scientists. “They are not saying ‘We don’t want to report CIA operation casualties,’ but that’s what they’re doing. They are eliminating reporting of casualties arising from CIA operations.”

You’re reading far too much into this matter Mr. Aftergood. tRumplThinSkin just learned that this was a thing Obama did so he rushed to undo it, that’s all. There was no other thought or intent that went into this and no policies around it.

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It’s the higlight of every picnic!

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We killed some of your guys? Sorry not-sorry…

As I stated in another thread, whenever the GOP has an opportunity to be assholes, they seize it with gusto.

OK Now for some good news

Citing that New Yorker article which proved collusion with the GOP and White House, Democrats say no to Fox News hosting their debates.


Naw, it’s total BS.
“don’t “improve government transparency”"
Let’s hide casualties. That is really transparent.


This has Bolton’s moustache all over it.

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Election Day 2020 cannot come soon enough. Let there be another cleansing blue wave – I want my country back from these corrupt and unethical pigs.

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distract our intelligence professionals from their primary mission.

Providing an in-depth, nuanced analysis of the world situation for the President to ignore.

So… you want to give our espionage and military professionals free range to kill on our behalf at will and with absolutely no civilian oversight or reporting? Because that’s what a free and democratic people should want, right? Sheesh!

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If putin’s assets keep running our country into the ground, someday we may be small enough that our people start appearing at The Hague.

It pretty much says,A Trump spokesman.

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On a semi-related note, why do the media allow government spokespersons parroting the government line anonymity? I get why people going against government policy have to be granted that but when it’s someone offering Kellyanne Conway level bullshit, giving unquestioning devotion to Dear Leader, either don’t print their comments or don’t allow them anonymity.

There simply is no valid reason to grant that spokesperson column inches and anonymity for comments like that.