Discussion: Trump Retweets Another Kelly 'Bimbo' Tweet After He Promised Not To

Discussion for article #245207

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Read the fine print: 'Conveyance of other calls of bimbohood are not considered to be a breach of contract."


He sorta does have a point.


Not very Presidential and he misses a key point in politics:

Donā€™t punch down!


Not really. Girls will be girls. She is good at what she does. Plus, the bigger person would just let it go.


" Because she hasnā€™t kissed my a$$ yet " . /s


I feel like Iā€™m trapped inside a bad Jim Carrey movie. Or is it a bad Adam Sandler flick? Iā€™m so confusedā€¦


ever tastefully coiffed bouffant beauty Donnie calls another blonde ā€˜bimboā€™ā€¦



I havenā€™t noted criticism of Trump centered on him ā€œobjectifyingā€ women. Appreciating a womanā€™s physical beauty (as perceived by many) isnā€™t in and of itself misogyny. Greek and Roman sculpters are lauded for their renderings of the human form. Kelly called out Trump for his rank bile spewed toward women, his labeling them disgusting pigs.

In 2007, ***Trump referred to Rosie O'Donnell as a "degenerate," a "slob" and a "pig" in a single speech.***

In tweets sent last year, Trump described Huffington Post editor Arianna Huffington as "a dog."

"@laurasgoldman: .@realDonaldTrump why is it necessary to comment on .@ariannahuff looks? ***Because she is a dog*** who wrongfully comments on me

ā€” Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) April 7, 2015

One year earlier, New York Times columnist Gail Collins wrote in that paper about a note she received from Trump after she wrote about his financial challenges. The note, written in true Trump form on a print-out of that very same column, consisted of a ***circle drawn around Collins' face and these words: ā€œThe Face of a Dog!ā€***


Suggesting Kelly has no standing to call out Trump for his brazen mistreatment of women due to a GQ photo shoot highlighting her physical beauty is pure bullshit.


The Gods reserve the latter for only the most heinous of people.


How do you think she got the job at Faux News? Ailes even admitted he hired brainiac Palin for her (purported) good looks. (Beauty is truly in the high of the beholder. Me, I have always considered stupid, mean-spirited, racist people to be extremely unattractive.)


Thereā€™s a good Adam Sandler movie?


Look this is all about what Josh wrote in the other piece:

"But what has really hurt Bush is not so much that Trump is calling him names. Itā€™s that Trump has used these attacks to demonstrate that Jeb is unable or unwilling to defend himself. Trump hits him and Jeb takes it. His responses are hapless and weak and generally meaningless. You probably barely remember them. The impact of this is not tied to Trump calling Bush ā€œweak.ā€ Trump is engineering encounters that show that Bush is weak. "

In fact, Trump engineers these situations so that he can show his opponents as weak. Take his attacks on Megan Kelly, there really is no response available to her here, without getting into answering when you stopped beating your wifeā€¦ He picks on people who cannot defend themselves from these base assertions. Iā€™m sure heā€™s got a list of them on Hillary. Heā€™ll call her weak for staying with a man who cheated on her, just like sheā€™ll stay with an agremeent with Iran when they cheat on it. Its strawman and argument by vigorous assertion, and basically something that canā€™t be defended against without looking weak and petty. This guy is dangerous.

Heā€™s an effective bully, and people always want to be on the right side of the bullyā€¦


I am not sure why the media calls her a " journalist ". She is a lawyer. She took ONE class on " reporting ".

I would bet that the genesis of Trumpā€™s animus is his having been spurned by her. Iā€™ll be he hit on her and she (wisely) told him to take a long walk off a short peer. Nobody rejects King Donald!

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Really nice legs ā€“ if you like that style of chair.


Does anyone truly believe there would be a serious journalist on Faux? Give me a break.


Oh Megyn and FUX News should just calm down. The Donald is just calling Megyn an American sweet treat.

Oh Megyn! ____ Itā€™s a complimentā€¦



The photos? It was just Megyn demonstrating why she was hired.

Exactly. It doesnā€™t matter WHAT the women in question looks like. Gorgeous or not. Itā€™s that sheā€™s woman and he believes that all women should be ā€œservicingā€ him (in one form or another).