“If it was really so bad, something would have happened to the offender…” is the sound of an accomplished abuser rationalizing.
Please proceed, Mr. President.
Could be a long weekend for the Republicans. But maybe gold for the Democrats. Keep telling us your real feelings, Donnie.
I think Debra Katz wrote this for him.
Trump can’t resist stepping on rakes. His outrageous attacks on the victim of sexual assault may — if 2 GOP senators have consciences — be enough to kill the Kavanaugh nomination.
He’s feeling much more emboldened after that Klan Rally last night.
Well…he did hold it together for almost five days. I’ll give him credit; that’s on the upper end of the scale for three year olds.
Okay, asshole, be that way. We are going to fucking crush you.
Is DJT pushing for a Kav withdrawal here?
Bill Shine approved Trump’s message. These men are clueless about sexual assault and why this crime is underreported. Trump is an ignorant monster.
Trump Returns To Form By Lobbing
Grenadeshis faeces At Kavanaugh Accuser Blasey Ford
The Ass Man Cometh:
Doctor Ford should grant Toadglans his wish and file a police report in Maryland. Maybe she could take a crew from 60 Minutes with her.
But seriously folks, Bandy Lee has a new interview in Slate and she’s concerned about the increasing danger Trump represents. As far as stepping on rakes, this was interesting:
And the thing about pathology, as opposed to normal reaction, is pathology actually becomes more rigid and more predictable. A healthy individual might be able to vary their response, especially if it’s strategy. They can choose to act differently if something is not working. Whereas pathology tends to become more and more rigid as it worsens. And what we’re seeing is simple repetition now, and worsening, greater frequency of his poor coping mechanisms.
Thank you “President” tRump! Your intervention via Twitter has given me hope we can stop Kavanaugh’s confirmation. Please keep it up!
Being an attempted rapist is a feature. Kavanaugh will get-off on assaulting women’s healthcare and reproductive rights, as planned. I have never been so weary about the future of this country.
In the meantime, remember how he was going to declassify all those FBI and DOJ documents and expose the “witch hunt”? I guess someone found out what would actually be revealed, and it was not favorable to the Trump cause …
Ah hem-- I called it. Where is my prize? Oh, a trip to hell in a handbasket? Thanks so much!
9/18/2018-@eisenst-“Vesuvius will blow. It’s only a matter of time. I say by Friday the latest. He will not be able to control himself until he blows off some MAGMA! (Make America Groan Mightily Again!)”
I know my president!