Given everything else we’ve witnessed, from Russian money laundering to pornstar payoffs to Qatar blockades, this kind of old-school grifting almost seems quaint. Which is where we are, I guess.
So much winning…
I just got a MAGA hat for myself…
This one says: Mueller Ain’t Going Away…
What? They took in a whole $107,000 during 2017 selling merchandize that was branded with the name of the most popular person in the history of the known universe?
John Oliver’s “Marlon Bundo” gay Pence-bunny parody made more than that in 20 minutes on Amazon!
I bet they make 10 times as much this year after they sell all of those US/North Korea Summit coins.
Oh, wait…
It’s OK. They’ll buy ad space on FOX News, who will (incidentally) neglect to mention that the summit didn’t happen. Hannity will even appear in the ads encouraging his followers to buy the commemorative coins, blathering on about how “tremendously successful” the summit was.
“President Donald Trump earned $107,186 last year from the LLC behind, a website for Trump-branded merchandise, USA Today reported Thursday.”
“Oddly,” the article continued, “100% of sales were bulk orders to foreign countries.”
Their biggest selling product was the canned borscht.
Well, Nambia and Normay have an insatiable appetite for Trump regalia.
I did not know Appalachia was a foreign country…
Oh, yes. It’s right on the border with Dumbfuckistan and the People’s Republic of Dotardia.
In other words, Donald Trump convinces fools and idiots to hand him over $100k in return for nothing.
You gotta admit he has nothing on Michael Cohen in this regard. just ask Novartis…
I’m surprised he’s not wheeling a damn souvenir cart up and down Pennsylvania Avenue.
Give Cohen credit, he thinks big, for a grifter. Before Cohen came along Trump was selling steaks and bottled water and putty knives and God knows what all sort of cheap gewgaws.
Just more corruption and illegality in the service of obstruction of justice.
Doesn’t that number seem very small? Is it revenues? Or royalty? If the latter then its a decent amount I suppose.
Funny I tried to buy one of those Trump/Kim coins this morning but the page appears to have been removed. Think of what they’ll go for on Ebay in 10 years…
Complimentary hat:
Yes n no
In January,2017, he said that he was going to distance himself from any licensing deals.