Join the crew Donny-Boy. We’re not happy about a BIG BUNCH of things, starting with you.
I’m not happy about certain things, I’ll be honest.
the rest of his statement:
For one he is taking WAY too long to finish off the EPA.
Even PP gets creeped out by used Trump mattresses.
Again, as long as Pruitt is carrying the water for Koch etc he is safe.
Spankee said, “I’ll be honest.”
Well that’s a first.
Question for the peanut gallery: when he says “about certain things”, is he just being intentionally nebulous to avoid specific references to bad actions that he hasn’t challenged, in a typical politician-y way,… or does he not pay attention enough/is not able to remember any specific Pruitt scandals?
Y’all probably know my vote.
“The happiness of Donald J. Trump” does not appear on my list of 10,000 things I care about.
Follow the money FFS! There’s no way this scumbag Pruitt has a job unless some energy company is paying Trump somehow to keep his ass there. Makes me wonder what other payments Cohen might have taken from them…
President Trump on Friday weighed in on the numerous scandals facing EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt, saying, “I’m not happy about certain things, I’ll be honest.”
Why Trumpy? Is it because you’re not getting a cut from Pruitt’s grift?
“certain things”
I wonder if Trump even knows what Pruitt has done? We know he doesn’t care. But, are the corrupt things Pruitt has done so in line with what Trump expects everyone to do, that it doesn’t even register that they’re just wrong?
Trump only recalls that his aides have told him Pruitt has done yada, yada, gobbledygook and you should express concern. Hence, “I’m not happy about certain things.”
Even the best laid plans can go south. The deal was always to pump up the markets, short everything, line your pockets, pay off your accomplices and head for the door. Unfortunately, moving a couple trillion isn’t as easy as maybe Mercer and Singer had advised. Now you’re trying to keep your head above water in the mid-Atlantic with gold bars in your pants. Something’s gotta give. Some people have to be jettisoned, especially those that upstaged you. I think I’d pay more to see “Scott Pruitt, The Musical” (and be more entertained) than any future Broadway plays about the Trump Crime Family.
I’m Not Happy About Certain Things…
…other things I like, and some things I don’t have any feeling either way.
Man he just so exacting.
The Trump Administration in a nutshell:
Unethical people do fantastic things, as defined by their immoral leader
My theory is that he’s keeping Pruitt around so that when he fires Rosenstein he can move Pruitt in to do his bidding at Justice. Can you think of anyone else venal enough to do the job? (Unfortunately, I’m sure that the crew at the WH can think of people who are that venal, but I don’t want to consider who it might be.)
Oh no, Scott’s behind on his “protection” payment.
The Koch’s love Pruitt, but understand he is not carrying their water. He is doing this because he truly believes that the Earth was given to Man to dispose of as he sees fit… To him it does not matter if we fuck it up and make it uninhabitable as the Second Coming will save the Righteous…
His grifting is a reflection of the belief that he is really entitled to whatever he wants because God has chosen him…
A very very dangerous man…
“A man who has never gone to school may steal a freight car; but if he has a university education, he may steal the whole railroad.” ― Theodore Roosevelt
2 reasons Pruitt has lasted this long: His total obsequiousness to Trump and their common desire to eliminate all environmental regulations. Pruitt believes that God gave man the resources of the earth and it would be disrespectful to God not to exploit them. As usual, Trump’s reasons may be more personal, stemming from difficulties he had with environmental regulatory agencies about where he wanted to build his golf courses.
As The Rump discovers the universal, fatal flaw of conspiracies, he is furious with fake news media who dare to question his golden boys, and he’s positively livid about his White House full of leakers and people who generally know right from wrong. The more people who need to be let in on the con, the greater the impossibility of keeping it secret.