Discussion: Trump Responds To Obama's Jokes About Him: 'He Did A Nice Job'

Huh, Trumpzilla at a loss for words…Interesting. I noticed Eric Trump in a cut-away shot, face rigid, eyes locked forward. This focus of national dislike has to be palpable to the observed…the intra family tension must be intense. Wait until June…


The absolute beat down that The President delivered to Trump a few years back when he was in attendance must still leave a mark. He want’s no part of Obama.

The President has managed to do something where everybody else has failed. Shut this clown up.

Thanks Obama!


The dolt was a loss for words so he repeated the few he knew to show he wasn’t humiliated. Again.

I think it was fine. It’s fine. He did a nice job, He did a nice job.


I’m so looking forward to this fall when Obama starts campaigning for Hillary with his deadly mockery against Trump. Everyday will be the WHCD and Trump will be crushed.


It still kills me how Rubio drawing attention to Trump’s pattern of repeating himself while saying nothing, didn’t catch on. Yes, Christie destroyed Rubio by pointing out Rubio’s robot programming…but IMO,Trump is soo much worse at doing it. And its literally repeating the nonsense, empty words over.


They say you don’t want to follow kids or animal acts onto the stage.

Well, I feel sorry for whoever has to follow Obama at this event. He’s a brilliant comedian. Put him on a version of The Daily Show post Presidency.


WHAT??? LOL Trump was so ‘QUAINT’ with his response.

How cowardly to send his children. We don’t care, shows you EXACTLY what a COWARD he is,


The candidate with the lowest grade level of grammar said this: “It’s a comedy. It’s fine.”



Great JOB, ‘O’. My favorite part was Obama and John B…To BAD that John was such an AH, when he was speaker and it’s ALSO disgusting…and pathetic.

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That’s almost twenty one-syllable words in a row.


I just counted them, you’re right. He’s unable to do more than speak as a 10-year old would.


Hey, that’s his constituency. They, too, hate Obama – in inglorious, monosyllabic rage.

And it’s not only because he doesn’t look like them. It’s also because they are the dumb kids who always were jealous of the nerds, the honors class students, the classmates whom they bullied in middle school but who thrived past them while taking AP classes in high school.

The fact that our president is eloquent, that he delivers wit with grace,
This is a cause for envy among Trump’s inferiority-complex-haunted base.

Someone must speak for the anxious, the resentful and the stupid
The Donald’s hateful words spear the hearts of these angry people like arrows sent by Cupid.


He knew if he got caught laughing on camera he’d be cut out of the will.


Weighed down by the knowledge that he is being stalked by Lucifer …
Trump is noticeably subdued.


You know Trump had to practice that line several times so he could force himself to say that instead of spewing the bile he wanted to say.


Yes — He’s seething inside — Just give it a couple days to fester and rot though —

Yea… a couple days and something will happen like an over ripe boil — Eewww


I’m quite sure that part of trump’s appeal to his supporters is their envy of his lifestyle and the sense they might get that they’re sharing it by simply being in his presence. And wearing the hat of course.


Now we know Chris Christie is all show, and not a consultant. Otherwise, he would have let Trump know what happened to the last guy who hugged Obama.

So the conservative’s presumptive nominee demeans Republicans, but makes nice to the Kenyan. Maybe nobody’s shared the Eleventh Commandment with him, or maybe the Reagan Era really is over.

Josh apparently bumped into him there: