Discussion: Trump Responds To Cruz's 'NY Values' Attack With Poignant 9/11 Reflection

Discussion for article #244721

So for those complaining about the commenting problems, as Iā€™m writing this, the link from the article page still doesnā€™t work. I got here from the list of article topics, which also currently has a discussion page for ā€œWhen In Doubt, Trump Calls Bush ā€˜Weakā€™ā€, the article of which isnā€™t up yet.

If Cruz didnā€™t realize what he was setting up for Trump there, heā€™s even dumber than he looks.


Did you ask the article nicely to let you in?



No, I cheated:


I know J. Marshall thinks tRump handled this back and forth like a pro, but from where I sitā€¦it looks a lot like a noun, verb and 9/11. Been there, done thatā€¦seen it all before. And whereā€™s fucking Giuliani now? Iā€™m sick of how 9/11 has been used in politics over the years and I dare say, I donā€™t think Iā€™m alone.


Iā€™ll have to remember this way into articles and commenting when the threads are broken. Thanks for that!!

Note that you can also comment on ed blog articles there :wink:


ā€œIā€™ve never seen anything like it. And the people in New York fought and fought and fought, and we saw more death and even the smell of deathā€”nobody understood it. And it was with us for months. The smell. The air. And we rebuilt downtown Manhattan, and everybody in the world watched, and everybody in the world loved New York and loved New Yorkers.ā€

A city where about 60% of the registered voters are Democrats.


BTW, if you click on ā€œTPM Article Topicsā€ under the title on each discussion page, it goes to that page.

Heh, maybe we can fix the commenting setup ourselves
(tip 'o the hat)

I wouldnā€™t be shocked if it turned out the air Trump was breathing while everyone dealt with the air was imported in bottles from some far-off place.

Sadly, 9/11 will continue to be bantered around like that for rest of our lifetimes.

I donā€™t think Trump did a great job with this, eitherā€¦but he really didnā€™t need to. This is the classic example of what I meant on another thread of them tacking so heavily to the right that they wonā€™t be able to correct themselves for a general.

Which of course, is Cruzā€™s strategy, apparently. This probably plays well in South Carolina and Alabamaā€¦but itā€™s going to hurt him nationwide. Most notably, in New Hampshire.

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It almost felt and smelled like a set up at first with Carnival Cruz initially clapping. But then tRUMP proceeded to forcefully and masterfully cut Cruz off at his knees.

This debate was the most interesting to date

Some economics

Rubio wearing the his magic Captain America underwear from the fifth grade.

Cruzā€¦ Nasty, sliimy, sociopathā€¦Richard Milhous Nixon without the charm. :scream:

Rubio bringing up the value added tax to this audience was well received. I could tell they were deeply in thought over this by their standing ovation.

BenCarson Me so sorryā€¦

Jeb Bush is just so uplifting and inspiring. And such a man!

Christie is a wise guy.

I particularly like where, right at the end, as Trump is in the denouement of his final phrase, Cruz having turned to Cruzā€™s to watch with his own face at least focused on Trump (rather than the cameras), Cruz sort of quarter turns back to the moderators and as he does so ducks his head a bit, and the LOOK on his face is like

combustionable flatulence

Itā€™s the gas that fuels the 2016 GOTP clown car

Spot on.
Thatā€™s who Cruz reminds me of much more than McCarthy. His manner of speaking is so Nixon-esque. Its like heā€™s channeling him, and its fucking scary when he models his head tilts, the pretentious contemplative pauses and all the idiosyncratic ways he speaksā€¦its just like Nixon. I even imagine him practicing ā€œI am not a crookā€ or better yet, ā€œI am a natural born citizenā€ in front of a mirror to make sure heā€™s getting it just right.

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Trump never advocated for the Zadroga act which was recently renewed. So much for his concern for 9/11 responders. Though the Trump organization did give to of all people the Scientology folks who were running detox facilities.

Cruz really punched the baby here. He thought heā€™d score cheap points with his base by being a smug asshole and a bully to New Yorkers. Trump describes the towers coming down and suddenly Cruz is standing there having just been a smug asshole and a bully to the heroes and victims of 9/11. Ouch.


I wonder if/when this will come into play.

Iā€™m not being my usual wiseass when I call this out, Iā€™m serious.

But what percentage of the voting population knows much about tricky Dick these days let alone those of us remaining who had the experience of him.

Scary Monkey :monkey_face:

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