Dude. You are so, so-- out-of-your-depth.
Grab your nads and curl up-- it’s gonna’ be a bumpy landing.
What nads?
Good to know that Comrade Cheeto Jesus was paying attention tonight.
And so wonderful to see his butt-hurtedness.
The WAHHHHHHHH heard round the world!
In a little over 3 months we’ll never have to hear from this freak show ever again.
Can’t wait.
Again, very good photo choice. Good job TPM
“After Hillary Clinton painted her Republican opponent as a man who ‘you can bait with a tweet’…Donald Trump took to his preferred medium to fire off a few shots.”
Hook. Line. And. Sinker.
Hillary Clinton: First-ballot entrant in the Political Trolling Hall of Fame.
If you thought tRump wanted to punch someone yesterday, just wait until he sees the bump Hillary’s going to get. If I were Paul Manafort, I’d telecommute for a couple of days.
Disagree. He’ll be calling in to Fox & Fiends every single morning. He will not let this loss go – ever.
“she advocated a “borderless world.””
she advocated reality
“…this hour I ordain myself loos’d of limits and imaginary lines…” -Whitman
It’s that tasty tasty gun metal…
He’ll go off the deep end and end up colluding with the Alt-Right idiots and form a 3rd party-- or sell them:
Trump HomeTats™ Do-it-yourself-tattoos-at-home-kits!
($29.99 +S&H. Get a 2nd FREE! w/separate S&H)
The Trumpa Lumpa Song
Trumpa Lumpa Trumpadee Doo,
I’ve got a perfect puzzle for you.
Trumpa Lumpa Trumpadee Dee,
If you are wise you’ll listen to me.
What do you get when you vomit up bile?
Spewing it out in a militant style.
Sooner or later the winds of change blow,
Then where will all that bile go?
Your orange skin will turn green.
Trumpa Lumpa Trumpadee Daa,
Stop being an asshole, you will go far.
You’ll embrace Democracy too,
Then you’ll know the real fool’s always been you.
Trumpadee Doo.
Trump: “No one has worse judgement than Hillary Clinton - corruption and devastation follows her wherever she goes.”
Really? Can anyone imagine how Donald Trump would handle a situation like JFK faced with the Cuban missile crisis in October, 1962 when we were on the verge of a nuclear war? If it had been Trump, we’d all be cinders.
Hillary has the wisdom and the spine to deal with such crises. Trump most certainly would panic and over-react.
Yeah, it’s on!!!
He can take his whole damn family with him as far as I’m concerned.
Jim Newell at Slate has been following the career of the apocalyptic young man in a hurry Stephen Miller.