Discussion for article #238350
The DOnaLD is Right. WHy are We NOt sendinG our Rapers and Drugies dowN there? BecAUSe Americans IS not AS Smart AS the MExICans THat arEn’t beiNG senT To America.
So he seems to be saying the US can’t manage without invading SOMEONE. But I agree about Iraq.
The guys who broke out of the prison in NY last month wanted to go to Mexico, but had to try for Canada instead when their ride fell through. One had gone to Mexico when he had escaped several years before and ended up killing someone there. So we sort of ARE sending our criminals to Mexico…
On to Bolivia!!! Trump Uber Alles!!
It’s like every so often one of these schmucks will say something that I sort-of-kind-of agree with in the tiniest of ways.
I agree- we should not have invaded Iraq.
Or practically anyone else for that matter.
his mental illness is accelerating.
This is all just so sublimely beautiful in its moronity. Go The Donald!
If all you have is a one trick pony, I guess you have to ride it to extremes.
But this is some seriously deranged stuff to be uttering. I believe his foreign policy is based upon playing the game Risk!
I almost admire the awesome degree of fearless Peak Derp on display here.
I’ve concluded that Democratic donors must be paying tRump to be the face of the GOP. It’s the only explanation that fits.
Trump says that Mexico’s leaders are much smarter than the leaders of the US. He hopes to prove that by getting elected President.
If the US invaded and annexed Mexico, then the Mexicans will all be US citizens which will stop illegal immigration.
Of course Trump neglected to bring anyone on to the stage that had eaten the tasty salad picked and served by immigrants, in exchange for poverty level subsistence wages.
This is the Republican Party in a nutshell—half of it believes that Obama is planning a military takeover of the southwest to impose gay marriage, and the other half wants to invade Mexico.
And I’m not using the term “nutshell” loosely, either.
Of course Trump neglected to bring anyone on to the stage that had eaten the tasty salad picked and served by immigrants.
Trump has to be trolling.
Seems there is no “too far” for the Neanderthals in the republican party.